
You’re just mad that he’s white.

come on, just let him be racist.

If someone is just as broke in a few years it has nothing to do with the president. Perhaps those people should take steps to better themselves and not simply blame others.

what has Trump done or will do to create poor economic conditions.

I don’t agree that Walmart is a small business. 

obviously it does.

lowering taxes on small businesses does not equal higher unemployment.

Meanwhile he has one of his worst games of the season.

because your friends were entitled to a job right?

nobody wants a police expert.

because they were made public? No.

So they wan’t police escorts to games, then openly disrespect the police? Why do they need any protection? All police are terrible right?

anyone who disagrees with Kap apparently has a bad opinion according to the liberal media. lol

His parents must be proud. Oh, of course they are?