How on earth is it an invasion of your privacy?
How on earth is it an invasion of your privacy?
I love reading how everyone is always paranoid about someone seeing the d**k-pics or whatever other stupid crap is on thier devices. Neither the FBI or any other law enforcement (LE) agency cares about anything you do unless you give them a reason to start looking at you.
Have you not caught on how the government works? The contract stuff out to companies who can dump $$ into R&D and in return, get the government to fork over loads of $$ for the service.
1. The FBI may or may not have been aware of this method of recovering the data from this phone until after the court process started. Even if they were aware of a method that “MAY” work, they still had to push forward in court until everything was in place to try the “unknown method”. Hell,since it was classified as…