
I don’t understand why I’m supposed to hold Kim or Kanye accountable when I don’t give a shit about them and they don’t represent me in any way? Tamika Mallory is a leader in a movement that I’m a part of, that in many ways is supposed to speak for me. Yeah, I’m going to hold her accountable for her words. That’s not

Nobody said “thoughts and prayers and aid” but ok (not that Japan, an advanced nation, wants or needs our aid here). I’m sure whispered wishes to an imaginary deity are really helpful when the chips are down. And I don’t buy the notion that people who are willing to believe that their wishes to a magical sky man

I donate to the Red Cross. Being thoughtful is by definition having good thoughts.

I’m sure that’ll do them a lot of good

you can get pokecoins from gyms. I haven’t had to pay a damn thing yet.

The Democratic Party has revealed itself to be one of the most significant impediments to meaningful social change in this country, so unless you’re a supporter of the status quo I can’t imagine why you’d have a problem with this.

I have to laugh at all you folks demonizing people supporting their choice when there is LITERALLY NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HILLARY’S VIEWS AND THE BUSH DOCTRINE!!!! Yes, let’s go back to another term of the Bush years as well as the folks who are responsible Corporate hay days like NAFTA. We still sleep well.

This is a pretty silly take. Its a primary and she hasn’t even clinched it yet. At the very best you should be crying about this AFTER she clinches the necessary amount of delegates, not before.

It’s funny that you think Bernie Sanders is destroying the Democratic Party and that Hillary Clinton—who has taken tens of millions from special interests, who was made personally wealthy by lucrative Wall Street speaking fees, who has the strong support of the primary forces fighting fracking regulation in Colorado

Your party hurt itself by pretending Hillary is a Democrat.

It’s pretty much been known (because he said so) that he is staying in until the end so that he has enough delegates to influence the party platform. I fully support this effort as well.

Fuck your party. If it insists on being center-right, it does not deserve our support.

You are misinformed.

Ah yes, as they say in the homeland: דיפּשיט

All of your claims have been discussed and rebutted. None of them are true, or at least are presented in inaccurate ways.

That’s bullshit, and you know it. The majority of Bernie articles on here are critical. To be honest, they’re pretty critical of every candidate, maybe Hilary a little less so.

But why is everybody acting like the John-story is new? And Shiloh wore a tophat to their parents wedding, and ALWAYS wears boy clothes. It's not exactly news. And assumptions are being made about a child that are so private. We don't know what's going on, and we shouldn't need to know.

My favorite part of every Tuesday is watching Agents of Shield, my favorite part of my Wednesday work day is reading the recap about Agents of Shield.

so, William Gibson was definitely right in Idoru, then. 😄