
Only people who find her attractive are gay men and chicks, two groups who have awful taste in judging women's beauty.

Oh shit, you showed them!

No, I read what you wrote. You made a stupid point, and I refuted it. Pretty simple.

No, what I'm saying is that you're a progressive moron with no humor and some serious issues.

Psst, only easily butthurt progressive idiots take offense.

It's nothing like that. Idris Elba is a great actor, which is why he'd be awesome for Bond. It's not "let's make Bond black for diversity sake" it's "let's get that great actor to play Bond."

AV Club is really amping up the anti-white racism lately. Funny how they never write articles on the lack of diversity on BET or Telemundo.

I know, nothing like someone accurately describing you.

Oh get lost. Social Justice is all about denigrating white people and you know it.

How she does not get that berry lasered off her face is beyond me. Does she think it gives her character?

This was a really bad doc, namely cause they never got the ET game designer to play the fucking game! It's like dude, play your fucking game and show me how it was supposed to work. NO ONE knew how to play that game when it came out, NO ONE, so you think they'd get the guy who designed it to play it, it's not like