
No. Just, no: “ as a result of picketing writers.” No, and it’s disappointing to see a nominally left-leaning website misrepresent this so egregiously.

1. I promise you that anyone that is around poppers knows exactly what they are.

I’m old enough to remember “rainbow parties”. Heck, even the whole “razor blades in halloween candy” bullshit. The news media has always loved perpetrating these Urban legends.

How would you not know it’s poppers the moment you cracked open the top? Like is this seriously an issue? Where does this happen?

To anyone curious about them, I recommend the Jungle Juice brand. Rush gives me a headache. 

But the small packages they come bottled in often look more like a 5-hour Energy bottle.”

New TikTok challenge just dropped

I hope these drones have a speaker system so they can play that euroclub dance beat while they attack.

Then look up his opinion on women’s hygiene and baby wipes.

I find it troubling and hilarious that the same people who were freaking out about the non-existent Bill Gates microchips in vaccines are the same ones begging to get put on the wait list to have Elon’s experimental macrochips hammered directly into their brains. 

iirc, he was also involved in some domestic violence legal proceedings right around the time they dropped him. From what I remember, after reading about the incident(s), I was not at all surprised when he subsequently got replaced.

It’s one of those things where I’m not sure we will ever get the full story. It sounds like a combination of an actor with an ego, a producer who knew who the real money maker is and a very racist company head.

The problem is that his contract said he was going to be in “one times ones” number of movies.

They are definitely going to lose their blue check for this one.  

Good “both sides” bullshit.

Kudos to Handelsblatt for having the courage to print this story given Tesla’s “hardcore” legal team.

Tesla notoriously covers legitimate warranty claims only if the customer signs an NDA not to divulge the cars defects, as a goodwill repair. They also cook their books using this method. They were bound to get caught with their fraudulent business practices.

Lol since when do we consider paparazzi a real profession? They’re leeches and creeps 99 times out of 100.

I’m so glad I’m not bringing children into this shithole of a country/world.

Minor point, perhaps, but OJ Simpson was not soft-pedaling anything, as he was the passenger- making phone calls and threatening suicide. AC Cowlings was the driver.

Not the Polygon quote I’d have picked, when they also wrote: