
Severus Snape was always (no Harry Potter pun intended) 


“I didn’t even want to be in them,” he continued, while visibly perspiring. “Who wants money and fame in some of the biggest movies of our time? I’m happy watching the old stuff anyways, back before it got mainstream. I definitely didn’t audition for the new ones, and never heard back, ahaha, why do you ask? Oh, you

That’s cool of him to be embarrassed for everyone....

When one of my good friends from high school finally came out to us it was an emotional thing for him and us all. After the tears and hugs and such my other friend said bluntly to break the ice “We always sorta kind of suspected but based on your terrible fashion sense we figured you were just really bad with girls”.

Listen, Bob - if the gay people in your life haven’t stopped you from leaving the house looking like a boxcar hobo who collapsed on a Walgreen’s 4th of July display, then they’re definitely not your friends.

Ill take uh... moderate body shaming please. Roast me fam.

Mate, there’s a difference between you making a couple thousand or more in bonus pay vs a CEO making 200M in bonus, which could effectively pay off the salary of every single laid-off employee while he’d STILL have millions left over afterwards.

you dont get it do you? This level of payouts and structure makes sure that ALL CEOs and corp officials care about is one thing.. short term stock bumps so they can cash out some stock options. THAT means they dont care about the long term health of the company, they dont care about employees, their families, the

Why the fuck does he look like a Boiled egg topped with pubic hair.

We need laws setting CEO income caps. We’ve passed the point of absurd. Fuck this, fuck the rich, and fuck anyone who defends the idea that a single human “deserves” this level of wealth while the rest of the country plummets through one once-in-a-lifetime economic crash after another.

Considering he hasn’t done it by now means that he’s okay with looking like a moldy pumpkin shoved inside a pair of pantyhose.

Star Citizen...Let me tell you what the real issue is with Star Cit-

I think you’re grossly overestimating how much it costs to make games here. Game development costs factor in salaries and the like when calculated, and most games do not cost hundreds of millions to make per year.

These employees are so entitled, expecting an indie studio like CIG to have the ability to treat staff humanely and not go out of business. It’s not like it’s made of mon... oh...

Those couches are hideous but they were chosen for their ability to conceal and absorb a shitload of jizz.

They’re put in storage. There’s a White House warehouse.

It is. All the other presidents put chairs at the sides of the desk, but Trump puts it in front. It’s very antagonistic.

Yes, let’s put our ice bucket and chilled drinks right next to the roaring fire on the table. Very practical.

Yes, let’s put our ice bucket and chilled drinks right next to the roaring fire on the table. Very practical.