
Who needs a graphic, just scroll through the comments on any Gawker Media page and you'll find well over 200 ways of making money online!

Hey, they're poor people, not british. They have standards.

Can it go any slower or be even more of a fat target? Even Transformers wasn't this ridiculous.

Or, you can just load the themer app and browse in the newest themes.

Miss Representation

Is this what LifeHacker has come to? Really?

Life... HACKED!

A fictionalized account of a hypothetical situation where characters are sent to assassinate a psychopathic murderer causes you to be pissed?

Nice try Activision marketing team.

Hah! Saw it creeping through Portland, OR a couple weekends ago

This is not secret info. If you frequent Aviation Week or any other major outlet you would have a full time job posting that same comment.

"patrolling up and down the Columbia River between Portland and Vancouver."

Que? That sentence seems very clear to me......lots of boats go up and down the Columbia River, which is literally between Vancouver (on one side) and Portland (on the other)

To be fair, one could also patrol the river between to end points,

Navy make long, narrow boat sit low in the water and go really really fast.

Fellow Portlander here. That bothered me too. They're racing across the Glen Jackson and Interstate Bridges? Neato. I could swim that.

Vancouver, WA is across the river from Portland. That means the boats are patrolling across the river not up and down it if they are patrolling between the two cities. This has been your self-important geographic update for the day.

More to the point - the burden of proof is on you to prove that your white trash tater tot patties aren't disgusting.