
THIS is what he’s doing after beating, kicking and buying Hawaiians out of their ancestral homes?

Drag your browser edges and make the window narrow and it’ll collapse the slideshow to one page. :)

This seems fine though. I can’t see how this can get anyone killed.

Exactly. You could even go further and think of skateboards, skis, bicycles, etc. Pros get so used to these they become extensions of their bodies. They don’t even think about it anymore. They just do. Is that the same? I don’t know. Maybe.


Makes you wonder if the conspiracies about Gates wanting to vastly reduce the population of the world were right all along. I hate myself for typing that.

It’s 2 am in Beijing. Go to bed.

Looks like someone did it already!

This is ridiculous. It was a very good read.

Members had to generate their own electricity with a pedal bike and draw water from a well 45 metres below the earth.

Space heaters in a cave. LOL

It’s not kept cold. They’re in a cave. That’s the normal temperature in that cave. You think they have A/C and heaters in a cave? Come on.

Did you not see the movie where he also played Andor that this show is based on?

Did you at least have them with a side of bacon...and boobs?

How embarrassing. 

I know that but I wasn’t replying to that comment.

Yep. And according to their archive they’ve only been around since 1/1/21. Of course, Matt’s too busy to reply to any of this.

I like how if you don’t stop a video on a slide before moving to the next you still hear the previous slide’s audio. Neat.