
I really wish they brought back that show. But yea, if you love giant robots then watch Megas XLR. It has a lot of tributes to anything with giant robots.

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I say it looks like a Warthog. Cause it has tusks.

Mordin was more of a singer, not a scientist.

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A Beretta that Chevy turned into a transverse V8 AWD to see if it could be done.

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Reminds me of the AWD V8 Chevy Feretta. I would have actually liked to see this for sale though.

Short story, lack of maintenance.

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These are better animated, but probably not as disturbing. BTW not safe for work.

Step #1 Run far away

I've been hearing about the show for a while, I thought by now at least a season has aired. No wonder I can't find episodes lol.

Anyone have a link to these episodes online? Been meaning to getting around to watch them.

Greece has been having issues with children who have been kidnapped by Gypsies. There was even recent news of a little girl who was taken away cause her skin color was vastly different then her parents. DNA tests show that she indeed wasn't their child. BTW They call her the Blonde Angel.

Given the situation, nobody knows what the outcome would have been if America decided to fight instead of dropping a couple of bombs. One things for sure is that American lives would have been lost if we decided to battle them some more. In war, the lives of your solders are far more important then that of the

The Gate scared me when I was a kid.

Oh yea, just played this for my niece.

You know what has to be done next.

Elusive man approves.

Cause it's all money. I mean if Africa had the money they'd science that shit up. You know, instead of dealing with their HIV epidemic.

Poor Jessica wanted to go out and get an education in the field of science, but her husband told her to stfu and stay home. Then he went outside and cut off the cord for the internet to USA to stop western influence on his wife.