
I still have mine. It works but I don’t drive it.

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Just wanna say, holy crap this pissed a lot of people off. Wrote that 3 years ago.

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Adam ruins everything did a video on this.

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But now you’re using stem cells to make burgers, instead of making stem cells to heal people. Not that we won’t have stem cell factories but I’d rather have the expertese used for more stem cells to heal instead of making a burger.

“The BMI increase may be the result of lifestyle changes, researchers said.”

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Maybe they had Duke raid their vaults to buy some sexy babes?

I’m still going to watch the movie unless the movie gets a bad rating. But all female characters says our PR department felt the script was weak and all female characters will gain more sales. Nobody would bat an eye if the team was gender diverse but it isn’t.

Good luck with your feminism and your raging insanity.

Yea I know men are pigs yada yada yada. But what I’m trying to say is that Hollywood doesn’t make choices like this unless they have a deceptive reason. Like the script was so bad and the reception was bad that changing the gender to female gave a better reaction. Despite what feminists believe, men are more receptive

To me it looks like the choice of an all female cast was done for sexual diversity and not due to story reasons. An over correction or a pro feminist move. Then again movie gets released and it works out really well. But if the cast was chosen for said reasons I expect it to flop.

It doesn’t and shouldn’t be considered realistic for three white dudes and the one “we’re not racist black guy”. But this was 1984 and the cast largely reflected how people felt about NYC ethnicity and gender roles. In 2015 we have the 3 white girls and the one “we’re not racist black girl”. It’s odd cause you don’t

By choosing all female characters they’re basically overcorrecting their “HEY LOOK WE’RE PROGRESSIVE”. It’s a pro feminist idea in a world where feminists are looked down uppon. You look sexist by overcorrecting the amount of women in the team. The character choices should at least be somewhat realistic. Three white

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We need to feed Arnold some anti aging tech. The terminator must live on.

Except that there’s no evidence of it happening. Amino acids are very common in the universe and that means that life must also be common, but what if we’re wrong? A single cell is the most basic unit of life and it works based off protiens which comes from RNA which comes from DNA. Assuming that the first life on

That’s the suns way of saying what elements it’s made of, not gay marriage.

We’ll be able to genetically reprogram our bodies in the future thanks to technology like CRISPR. There’s also advantages to being able not to die. For example if scientists don’t die then the rate at which science can evolve will grow exponentially. Also first world countries don’t have a population increase issue,

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The person you wanna talk to is Aubrey de Grey about aging. He sees it as a disease that can be cured. It’s the cause of 2/3 of deaths in the world. Things like cancer, heart disease, and alzheimer’s are all age related. According to him aging is nothing more than accumulated damage over time. He uses the analogy of a

The thing that gets me about life is that how did it get started? Nobody knows and yet here it is on Earth. Life is so different from the rest of the Universe that it almost seems like it shouldn’t be allowed to exist. If life just arises from the right conditions then that means the Universe is built to have life.

The best Toyota engine to stick in there is their straight six engines and those aren’t cheap.