I still have mine. It works but I don’t drive it.
I still have mine. It works but I don’t drive it.
Just wanna say, holy crap this pissed a lot of people off. Wrote that 3 years ago.
The best Toyota engine to stick in there is their straight six engines and those aren’t cheap.
If there’s a huge aftermarket for that engine I would take it. A 1990 Camaro with a 5.0L V8 produced a pathetic 145 hp. But the aftermarket is so high for that car I could rebuild the engine to do 500hp or replace it with a LSX engine. As far weight the Camaro weights 300 lbs more than the Audi 90. The only reason to…
The S2000 has “potential”
The benefit of owning a car like a Cadillac is that a lot of it’s part are going to shared with other GM cars. Which means it won’t be hella expensive to repair the car. Same goes for Lexus. BMW and Mercedes though don’t, and cost a fortune to repair.
Like I said I won’t do it anymore because it’s easy to replace the whole line. But in this day in age why aren’t things stainless steel? Things like brake lines for example? The only reason you do this repair is cause they rot from water in the brake fluid. A little late for those who own cars with oem steel brake…
I watch Scotty Kilmer and Eric the Car Guy and I find Scotties advice pretty helpful. Especially because I don’t have a car lift and some basic tools which I see Scotty use a lot of. I’ve done the same brake line repair that he’s done and probably won’t do it again because changing the whole line isn’t that much more…
The PC Master Race can add boob physics to any game they want. Makes you feel better about the DLC you buy for games.
Unlock sex scene in Pokemon X/Y. Do I even need to say NSFW?
Intersex people are generally sterile. So evolution doesn't count them. Only those who successfully reproduce.
But is it the parents fault? This is like forcing people to accept you. But the worst thing I see so far is that the parents had no idea where their teenager was at 2:30AM. Also truck driver somehow isn't blamed for this "suicide". Yea a note was left behind but last I checked it takes two for someone to die from…
Things like cellphones, indoor plumbing, and Vaccines don't alter the human body. At least hopefully they aren't. Not in unhealthy ways. But things like HRT damages your bodies ability to reproduce in time. Libido is also effected as well. This sounds like the side effects of a horrible medication that you take…
Just because a website of the subject exists doesn't make it correct. Evolution sees gender as binary. Humans do not though, which really complicates things. Humans use secondary sexual characteristics to identify that binary gender of male or female. Generally effeminate and masculine characteristic. Which…
I'm going to sound like an asshole so be prepared.
Vandalism happens to everyone's cars at some point. It's no different than someone bending your radio antenna or taking a knife to your convertible top. Could be caused by someone backing up in a parking lot and hitting your car. It's going to happen.
Yea Sims 4, which is not better than Sims 3.
And it'll be on Xbox 360 and PS3.