
While OS upgrades are horrible with Android, that's only if you rely on the manufacturer. Though from what I hear, that's more to do with the carrier.

How to make the switch over to iOS.


Holy shit, this guy gets it.

Never underestimate the power of stupid things in large numbers. The same people at Geek conversions are the same people you'll find online, and in online games. A lot of men deprived of affection and for any respect to women.

I have this very same problem sometimes. Ever look at something that blinks like a clock and then think it isn't blinking? Then you panic and try to figure out why, and then when you look back at the clock, it is indeed blinking? For what would have seemed like enough time to tell if the clock was blinking, you

The Rat King finds himself the king of dead rats. Blames Obama for tragedy.

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No matter how I read it, Romney's position on technology seems... ass backwards. Certainly a true Republican though, and he clearly wants corporations to handle things, and leave government out of it.

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This reminds me of Bitey from Newgrounds, except not as good.

According to the Chinese government Apple copied them. It's all in your head. I love that episode.

I kinda like this, because it's copying done right. Has an Android logo on the back and doesn't care. It's most likely dirt cheap too. I would buy it if the price is right. Just so I can confuse.

If that seems far fetched to you, I wonder how anything else could make sense. That's the wonderful thing about science, nothing is set in stone. Where as religion has only one way, and it's usually said to be done "through me".

Mohammed Salmodin Miya don't care.

" They know you're not going anywhere. You didn't after Vista broke your computers, and you won't when Metro rearranges the furniture."

I would be more worried about the guy going postal. I got your statutory maximum.

Having been on a diet for 1 year and lost 100 lbs, I can tell you no. The cause of obesity is sugar, plain and simple. We put sugar in everything, from bread to drinks. Sugar has a very profound effect to the human brain. For me, anytime I ate spaghetti I couldn't stop eating it. Sometimes 2-3 plates full of the

Being young forever doesn't mean you'll live forever. The human body isn't meant for it. Heart disease, cancer, and other factors are usually the results of diet and environmental conditions. Then there's the human brain, which I doubt is infinite in its ability to store information. Most people don't die from old

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I wonder how this would fit into the electric universe model?

Any case would work, so long as you're ok with the way it looks. An HTPC is nothing more then a regular PC, hooked up to a TV.