
All that Bethesda said was that there was a conversational persuasion system, and referenced Oblivion as a rough early example but not that they’re just doing that again. It’s the press that has been “OMG the Oblivion minigame is back!”

Probably trying to shoehorn Preston Garvey into the story in some way.

Not showing game footage until 6 months or less before release is kind of Bethesda’s thing (we didn’t even know that Fallout 4 or 76 even existed until that point), so that was never the problem. If anything, the shock was them announcing as much as they did 18 months before intended release, and then releasing more

We’ve made the decision to delay the launches of Redfall and Starfield to the first half of 2023. Yer all just playing fuckin’ Elden Ring anyhow.

On one end we have Sony, whose naming scheme is a bit boring, but consistent and easy to follow. On the other you have Nintendo whose names are varied, but at least have some kind of reasoning behind the names that ties to the console’s features (except for Wii and Wii U from what I can tell).

LOL! The Mandalorian was great. Most of these “issues” lasted less than 24 hours. In a week they’ll be ancient history. Disney+ is a juggernaut, and this outrage won’t even be a blip a year from now.

“Our platform is so good, you don’t even need it.” - Google

This is exactly correct. And Spider-Man, historically, has ALWAYS participated in thwarting these sorts of “small” crimes. He doesn’t battle super villains exclusively. Hence the nickname “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man”. He’s constantly monitoring what’s happening on ground level from high up and stepping in

Yeah, you are spider-man, you fight crime, super crime, and direct aggressors.  The city is packed with these scenarios because video game.  And the police scanner is a mechanism of this, and the scanners are to where you can visually see the crimes without having to know cross-streets.  I guess bloggers just need to

I couldn’t sleep last night and fired up Netflix. I saw Spider Man 3 on there and for a moment thought, “I don’t remember a ton about that one, but it’s got CGI and Venom, maybe I’ll...”. Then I remembered the emo shit, dancing, and that the reason I don’t recall much about the movie is because even the set pieces

I feel like the article is possibly intentionally misleading, or somebody not paying attention to the actual happenings of the game in order to be outraged about something.

Trust me, the Spider-Man PS4 game is nothing like what’s presented here. He works with the police because he can’t legally arrest people committing crimes.

Yup, reading WAY too much into a half-assed way to explain a desired game mechanic.

This is quite groan inducing. Spider-Man helps Yuri, and by extension the NYPD, not the NYPD specifically, she is the only one he trusts, and likewise, and she is the only one he is truly attempting to help. Hell, several times during gameplay he remarks about leaving the scene before the police show up because he’s

“I’m not grasping for as many straws as it may appear.”

I disagree. This is silly.  

Hm, according to the Everybody meeting we had a while back, Mass Effect 2 actually was the best Mass Effect.

Did she dismantle three criminal kingpins on Omega over the course of a year? No? Didn’t think so.

will buy when its 10 bucks or even 5 bucks. i liked 4 but wasnt impressed. bring on ES VI