
Totally agree, especially since this New Order out of nowhere has way better tech than the Empire, including the now seemingly unstoppable tactic of tracking in hyperspace. How did this guy build up all this power? Now it’s all in the hands of an impetuous child and that’s supposed to be scary?

There’s something truly underhanded about the way supposed movie critics and media outlets are going out of their way to defend TLJ and Rian Johnson for making it. I would say it’s an insidious movement to push an agenda, except it is so blatently and poorly done; oozing with hypocrisy not only in how the critics are

“It would have stopped any of these scenes dead cold if he had stopped and given a 30-second speech about how he’s Darth Plagueis...” Wow that excuse would actually have some weight if the rest of the movies plots weren’t hot garbage.

Telling me what to do with my stuff makes me only want to keep it more. I abided by the trade in... I’ll return it when there’s a new alternative and not before that. Don’t tell me how to live my life.

I got a good laugh. I mean he’s not wrong; she is a fat disgusting unintelligent piece of shit bitch. Why am I no surprised to see a chubby liberal moron on jezebel try to make a story of this?

I will never understand liberals who live in Chicago and can’t seem to see that every single mother fucking one of THEIR IDEAS is what is ruining the city. You will turn this place to fucking Detroit within a decade.

You’re one of the idiots who keeps voting for democrats and blaming guns. You have nothing but your dopey guesses and crybaby pants pissing to tie him to Chicago. As a resident of Chicago who owns legal guns, I can say quite easily that people like you are a bigger part of Chicago’s problem, than he will ever be.

It’s not only ok, but its also the least they can do to these awful fucking people. Just for saying that I’d like to do far more than just shame you for being completely fucking nuts.

They took the drug, they need to be accountable. You’re a fucking idiot and everything wrong with life.

HAHAHA crybabies! All your lying propaganda isn’t working and Hilldog is going down. It’s been disgusting for years to watch your idiocy and deceptive gas-lighting and straw-man tactics of claiming Trump a racist and misogynist tyrant, as if you wouldn’t have used that tactic on whoever became the republican candidate

I would bet anything she’s a terrible lover too. I mean I hate Weiner, like with a passion, long before it was cool, but that woman never looks happy and has clearly devoted herself way more to a cause than to any other person, now sadly including her son. But yeah, she’s got that look. I don’t expect any of the thick

Yeah because they are the ones who took the crotch pick with a kid in it. You’re fucking pathetic, place blame where it belongs moron.

Is it possible for Jezebel and its America hating writers to be right on anything ever? You criticize the law enforcement of a nation that has every right to be on edge about Islamic terrorists, but don’t have the balls to say a fucking thing about how completely oppressive Islamic culture and something like the

Do you also wonder about the liberal hypocrisy of why liberals and 3rd wave feminist refer to western civilization as an oppressive rape culture for women, yet don’t have the balls to say a fucking thing about how completely oppressive Islamic culture and religion are nor comment on how oppressive something like the

Do you also wonder about the liberal hypocrisy of why liberals and 3rd wave feminist refer to western civilization as an oppressive rape culture for women, yet don’t have the balls to say a fucking thing about how completely oppressive Islamic culture and religion are nor comment on how oppressive something like the

Did she get owned s hard as Gawker media by Hulk Hogan? Enjoy being dickheads while the time lasts, hahaha

The delusion is pretty strong in this comment section. Maybe all you dumb fat cunts who wanted to talk shit on all the people that called that this movie would be a flop should eat some crow with humility. God knows you miserable lonely lying catwomen love eating everything else on a table.