
So glad season 2 of Daredevil tackled the topic of "moral code" and did it really well.

That's one way to game the system so the movies break box office records. What moVie tickets cost more than they Dying 3D… IMAX that's who. Yeah Money!!!

Good for them. If super hero and space rangers have taught us anything it is that it is important to fight for what you believe is right. Will Disney amends their greedy behavior? Probably not. But for a company whose first box office hit was a German fairy tale (Snow White) Disney should do something.

Have you even seen Gotham? Who has a secret identity?

Gymnastics Man!!! da da da

10%- I don't care, lol

60% annoying, 10% funny and 20% rotten garbage smell

kind of think this video is way over edited. At least 7 different angles on the drummer alone. makes me think there must have been a few mistakes along the way.

It looks okay. At this point I could careless about another story in the Terminator saga. Just give us the story that takes us from Salvation to Kyle Reese being sent back by John, and then let the cycle be complete.

Where's the still from the "Last Action Hero"?

I wouldn't see this movie if you paid me. I think my dog after the rain smells better than the Expendable garbage.

She thinks this is bad… as she tried Walking in a Straight Line? lol

Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Wish my grannie looked like that…. wait that would make things awkward, no I wish the old lady that lives down the street looked like that… she's always asking me to clean her gutters.

I think Hugh Jackman is behind this choice. Making sure no one will don the adamantium skeleton for a good while. ;)

Are they really trying to take ownership of the ratings of their premiere night? most people were just there because it followed the Game of Thrones season opener. To me this show is not nearly as funny or clever as it believes itself to be. I am waiting for that episode when this show turns the corner and becomes

P.S. Everyone knows Skin-a-Max got its name for a reason, so she should have had a hunch.

i think this is the first news story for the show… way to go guys!! My question is how do you respectfully hold auditions for a role that you know is going to have a nude scene. I would have thought that that sort of information would be important to tell people. Any producer that doesn't tell someone this before

I imagine the sequel to be a bad version of Grown Ups but with less funny people, starring actors that haven'r really done any actual acting in a long time, excluding Brolin and Astin.

I suddenly feel more confident about my own tweets, jeez what a dweeb!