Duke of Kent

Anything in the hospitality industry is pretty challenging on dry land to begin with, but make your facility a boat, and it adds a whole extra layer of complexity. My boating friends joke that in order to calculate the price of any boat component/equipment, take the price of its land-based equivalent and move the

Oh, that’s interesting. I would have thought that low mileage factors into the savings (the fewer miles you’re on the road, the less likely you are to get into an accident).

I’m not even so sure that it’s a bad business decision to remake the duds.  There’s no shortage of contrarian hipsters out there who insist: “Actually, X was good!” where the value of X is any generally derided film or TV show.  I don’t know how big that demographic is or if they truly are profitable, but it might be

Oh yes! There are several intersections that I frequent where people behave unpredictable because they’re “trying to be nice”. Some of those intersections leave one direction without a stop sign (to improve traffic flow), but darnit if most people don’t stop there anyway and jug up the whole works!

Ooh, that makes the remaining foglamp look like a monocle!  So dignified!

I love her writing, and I’m a little jealous of Jason that she responded personally.  Is this what will cause me to break down and join Twitter???

I’ve been curious about those devices but have always avoided them for the reasons you stated.  I don’t drive many miles each year, and I feel like I’m a pretty safe driver (although, everyone thinks they’re a safe driver).  But sometimes the safe move in the moment isn’t what an algorithm would determine to be “safe”

I’m pretty sure the robobabies would give me nightmares. I am relieved to have never encountered one in real life.

Safe driving is all about being predictable and consistent. If other drivers are surprised by your actions, then you’re doing something wrong. That ranges from simple things like signaling turns and lane changes up to more complex or counterintuitive ones like exceeding the speed limit to match the flow of traffic.

The concept of sticking a reporter out in the field just to have an interesting backdrop is one that is pointless at best and dangerous at worst.

I am eager to try this.  I like spicy foods, but for me it’s important to also have something with a good flavor -- heat alone is no fun.  This sandwich sounds like something that I’d really enjoy.

I’ve seen that on TV, too! At least in that case it’s roughly the same mass approximation. But bags of flour don’t cry, they don’t need changing, they don’t need to take baths, and it’s perfectly acceptable to zip up a bag of flour inside your backpack to bring it to/from school. What exactly is the flour baby

Forget a mechanic, my first call would be to the Ghostbusters to take care of the specter in the passenger seat.

I’ve never done the Corn Flakes / Wheaties and magnet experiment before, but I have a distinct memory of seeing it done on an episode of Mr. Wizard.  I had convinced myself that it was one of those false memories (Mandela Effect?) because, the “iron” in food isn’t literal iron filings (or at least not present in high

I attended a relatively small private K-8 school that didn’t have in-house home-ec or shop facilities, but in grades 6 and 7 we’d board a bus to go across town to the local junior/senior high school to take those classes (one semester shop, the other home-ec). The 8th graders would attempt to scare us with stories of

I had no idea the egg baby thing happened in real life. I always thought it was just a plot device trope from TV and movies.

Bobby DeNiro, Sandy Bullock, Eddie Jimmy Olmos...

Sure, but doesn’t the “smaller” adjective typically refer to... erm... girth more than height?