Ahnold would like a word.
Ahnold would like a word.
I’ve considered getting the special shoes and pedals for my real bike. I don’t really ride for transportation — just for fun/exercise. I’m worried that I’d get “stuck” in the pedals and wind up toppling over like a little kid just learning to ride. Might these shoes/pedals be worthwhile on a regular bike, or would…
I thought it was donuts.
You may enjoy this site, which documents instances where people misinterpreted the intent of The Onion and similar satire sites:
There’s no way to make trading candy for a toothbrush not a raw deal, but depending upon which local businesses were participating, there could be some appeal. I wasn’t a big candy fiend as a kid, and if you offered to trade some of my Halloween haul for some arcade* tokens or Chuck-E-Cheese* tokens or a pass to the…
I know it’s the hip cool way that the kids are talking, but using “dropping” in this context always sounds like the thing is going away rather than showing up. Reading “The McRib has dropped early” makes me think that it has dropped off of the menu sooner than planned or “Netflix dropped this show” makes me think that…
I am a worrier by my nature, and the fact that I own a German car does not help in this regard. I frequently have nightmares that something weird has gone wrong with my car.
A few things:
Vacuum space toilet joke intended? Or was that a happy accident?
I was all keyed up to emphatically agree with you until I read some of the responses and was reminded of some truly irritating recurring characters.
guerrilla warfare or guerrilla marketing
Quid pro quo: Literally “something for something” or, a favor for a favor.
In Russian, the word “apparat” means “party machine;”
annus horribilis, the Latin phrase for “horrible year.”
Not to be confused with “al fresco” which is where pasta should be eaten whenever possible, “in fresh air” (outdoors).
Fun fact: this isn’t true for the $100 bill. If your C-note contains a ghostly image of a president, it is most certainly fake.
Well, that’s interesting. I’ll admit that I’ve never been to Red Lobster (I don’t really like seafood, so it’s not the best place for me), so it was a bit of an assumption on my part that the ones in the restaurant would be the best.