Duke of Big Earl

The media has to have something to pump up/scare people with. I mean, it’s only been about a week since the last Hurricane blew in, and the buzz they got off that News Cocaine is wearing off.

Gouging would be $5+ a gallon. Gas is $2.59 here in Houston where we make a lot of the stuff. You make some in OH. It will come back down. Go bitch about how much your cell phone, cable TV, or internet connections are that are not necessities cost and let us know how that goes.

Yep, 92 or 93 Octane takes harder to come by molecules to make versus good ‘ol 87. BOHICA. You must drive something expensive or high performance to require that 92/93 for compression ratio. Ever consider a Smart Car?

I wouldn’t. Moving the US to E85 will drive food prices up more. When Ethanol became the oxygenate of choice over MTBE because of the CA EPA, didn’t you notice certain things (like bacon, sweet, sweet tasty bacon) go up? Why? Where does much of the ethanol in the US come from? Corn. What do pigs, humans, etc.

No problem here in Houston. Prices went from ~$2.09 two weeks ago to $2.59 today near I-69/US-59. Had to go get gas for the mower since the 36" of rain followed by sun have made the grass take off.

Getting raped? Why don’t we save that term for actual rape victims.

I bet you worship him.

Eagle Ford shale fracking.....a lot of it is natural gas. Some of the material is condensate (liquid) and can be made into gasoline, some of it is too light to be of any use in gasoline. The majority of it is natural gas.

Yes, those of us in the area between Corpus Christi and the TX/LA state line are taking it in the rear.

“but the gas tax should have been raised a long time ago.”

Ok. When you think it is too cheap, take the amount you think it should cost, subtract the current cost from that amount, and send the difference to your favorite charity!

Yes, because refiners started to take their refineries into safe park. You know how people are bitching and going into awe/shitting their pants about the Arkema plant in Crosby, TX? Most refineries said “ok, this SOB is coming this way, when the wind cone gets X miles away, we’re going into safe park” to reduce or

Long time lurker....tired of dumb shit.

Spot on comment! CA gas can typically be used outside of CA, but gas coming into CA from other states has to be blended to meet California Air Resources Board (CARB) and CA EPA requirements. The requirements are stricter to meet CA polution control requirements especially in SoCal. The other problem....there’s no