
This is fantastic advice for selfish assholes who want to justify their lies and the harm they are inflicting on others, and feel good about it.

No, but shows that you like to make false equivalences. 

“Jumping straight to euthanasia” is not what is happening or being described. And it’s pretty tough to keep employees on without money to pay them.

You are incredibly naive.

You prefer cats because there are pet scammers? 

Wow, you are terrible at your job.

Congratulations on completely missing the entire point being made (and very clearly so) in the letter.

Yeah, let’s open a child up to death threats (and possibly even actual attempts on their life) just because you want to know who they are.

I can’t tell if you’re actually as stupid as you come off or if you’re just really bad at trolling, but either way you’re dismissed.

Lol this is a gossip site - wtf do you expect?


Your headline is rather misleading; while 66% is a majority, it certainly isn’t an overwhelming one (and leaves plenty of room for troops who do care). And less than 500 service members were polled - that’s quite a limited number by which to make such a blanket. declaration.

*very nature (not “mature”)

They’re adults (from what I find the youngest is 23) - so what, exactly, is there to talk about?

“I’d like to hear if it is or if it isn’t tough from Jennifer Garner, not from her boyfriend.”

Do you really think you're helping your argument here? Because you're not.

You asked a question, and I gave you the answer. You’re just excusing people / businesses ignoring their legal responsibility (with regard to the safety & lives of the public, by the way) because they want to make money.

“I’m here because I love Kobe and this was one of his favorite songs”

“Who exactly was going to tell Kobe it was a bad idea? The company that wanted his continued business and referrals?”