
I like the word "nitwit."

This would be a really interesting piece of legal analysis if you said something about how Bush nominee Justice Roberts authored the opinion (what? a Rethuglican?), and how many feminists women's groups actually supported the stricken anti-prostitution provision.

Remember this Jezebel post about how adorable Elvis Costello was when he sang with Elmo?

If it's morally objectionable victim-blaming behavior to suggest that a woman who dressed in a sexually enticing manner and then went into a objectively dangerous situation where she proceeded to drink herself into unconsciousness would have done well for her safety to not do those things; then by the same reasoning

Points for using "N.B.", but I believe the point you're making is instead a non sequitur. The critic called Tristan Taormino a pornographer. You note that Tristan Taormino may be better known as something else (educator, I think). So what? Taormino calls herself a pornographer. Why should I N.B. that she's more famous

This is the kind of photo that would get cries of racism were it posted as an illustration in any non-approved forum. But good liberals can't be racist, so here it's beyond reproach. So-called "progressives" are among the most self-unaware haters on earth.

We need to take lessons from the Indian justice system?

So is your name!

Unfair? Jezebel would never play on unfair stereotypes. Check your privilege! (Sarcasm, of course.)

If it plays on fears of the Other, as you put it, this is perhaps more telling about your fears (and that of the person who chose the photo) than anything else. I don't find dark scowling men particularly scary. You do. Fear is a subjective thing, right?

The average sign? How the fuck do you average out signs? Methinks you could use a vocab refresher yourself. (Hint: "average" is a mathematical concept. You might want to try the word "typical." Still—thanks for entertaining me by saying something quasi-illiterate as you gleefully insult others for doing just that!)

Yeah, the idea that American citizens should be able to speak the same language so they can communicate about matters of importance and actually understand one another is like the stupidest idea ever.

Many women love celebrities. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Allcaps are never good. They detract from your point, no matter how good your point is intrinsically.

Is he stupid? Or just evil. I think one does not nec entail the other, ya know

Hilarious, and entirely expected, that the only reason this article doesn't call Tyler the Creator the worst homophobic misogynist dickhead lowlife ever is because he's black. Hands off, girls!

As on-point as your other comments were, this one is kind of stupid. Do you mean to suggest that Native Americans can't have German ancestry? Should have quit while ahead.

Hey lady, where do you get off telling a white man that his skin should look different just to make you happy? I'll look like I look; not gonna kowtow to your crass and shallow Hollywood fantasies about how I *should* look.

Hey, why isn't this site posting anything about the new Chief Keef track where he tells a woman he will murder her if she doesn't give him a blow job? Too busy taking offense at overblown non-controversies like this, and Grand Wizard Brad Paisley?

The police apparently investigated this for a year, and decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute... that they couldn't establish that it wasn't a "he said/she said" thing.