
He is (and always has been) a babbling imbecile who thinks he’s a “genius” because he has money and fame. Nothing he says makes any sense, as he doesn’t understand anything.

“I made a really, really, really dumb mistake. I fell for an obvious con. I need to become a better-informed person. I need to work on my cognitive thinking abilities. I’m ashamed of what I’ve done and I regret my stupid choice very deeply”. I’d accept that.

Fuck that. Some basic elementary research was all anyone needed to do in order to determine that Donnie Dipshit was a wildly unqualified gasbag. A “mistake” is one thing, being a willfully ignorant moron is quite another.

“My car was always giving me problems and I wanted “change”. So I ditched those crooked mechanics and had a guy who runs a hot dog stand repair my car instead. And now it’s all fucked-up. I never wanted this.”...fuck off, brain-dead Trumpie piece of shit. Maybe next time around you won’t vote for a demented shit burgh

It was yet another deeply, deeply humiliating and embarrassing episode of “Don Dingus, American Stooge”. The freak is literally incapable of feeling shame, there’s just no bottom with the pudgy orange weirdo. Foolish lies, endless gloating and absolutely no idea what he was talking about, Pudgie The Fail once again