You can pick up your fedora at the front desk
You can pick up your fedora at the front desk
I got linked here from Jezebel. I meant to go to Gawker and comment there, but opened the wrong site so I didn't hesitate to comment here because I didn't think having an unpopular opinion here would be some scandal. I am not doing ill upon trans women. Holding my own fucking opinion is not a form of oppression. You…
What's a bon mot?
Feminism, it is what it is. Civil rights group, turned advocacy group, turned hate group. Surely all that "patriarchy" and "rape culture" and "trigger warning" mess gets a bit tired and old especially when you have better ways(and i do mean virtually anything) to spend your limited amount of life and…
I like how the author attacks Lana and implies she's stupid, yet still wonders why the feminism brand is so badly damaged.
You tried to capture the spirit of the thing.
Throwing a rock at an Aventador is a waste of a rock. He should have saved the rocks for the real guilty party of that day.
Your own ass>>>>Consumer Reports>>>>NY Times
The U.S. is 72.4% European American and 4.8% Asian American. So Google is under-inclusive of whites and very minority friendly.
"i can't say i've never felt some of those emotions before. feeling like no one attracted to you and people think you're a creep sucks. and asking someone out sucks too because then they have the power because you're the one who likes them."
Of course this will lead the porn industry into looking at what other states they will create porn in. Maybe Florida; we're the poor man's California as it is.
It's only in California.
"but other than a bad mark I am not sure the student could be punished further." Are you suggesting the student should be punished further for giving a religious answer, besides just receiving a bad grade? What kind of punishment would you suggest (and would the same punishment apply to other students who give…
I'm not saying it's NOT true, and it probably is, but the phrase "soak up toxins like a sponge" makes my eye twitch. What toxins, exactly? Is this porous plastic? Does other plastic in the water soak up toxins? Also... "toxins"?
Wonder Years. Also this type of question needs a bracket.
that might be my favorite episode
Name's Artemis. I've got a bleached asshole.
Lighten up, Francis. I'm joking. :)