
I think the whole point of the article was that critique is necessary and great, but just don't deliver any low blows. You can dislike the game all you want, but to start making assumptions and resolve to what's essentially name calling is unnecessary and mean spirited. Especially when 9/10 times the assumption is

I relate this to classes that are Pass/Fail. There's no way to differentiate how well I actually did/how well I know the material.

Well, I have AudioQuest, and I can tell you that I noticed a difference in how vibrant the colors were compared to the Monster or Rocketfish, but I also bought the cable while I was working at Best Buy for like $30 (normally $250).

I agree that Naughty Dog's presentation doesn't look all that great compared to his regraded images. Also, the quality of the monitor and cables used can make a difference in the quality of color displayed as well.

This list only solidifies my reasoning for not getting a PS4 until games that interest me come out. My WiiU is currently taking up all of my game time anyway. Maybe when the inevitable Uncharted 4 Grab Some Booty edition bundle comes out?

Thank you for this. This was a fun read, and I laughed through it. (dark humor).

Really, it's situational ethics at it's worst. People may come on here and say things like,"You live under a rock," or, "Wal-Mart deserves it, idiot." I try to be as optimistic as possible in life, but people just aren't giving me any hope in this thread. It's sad really. When you have to personally attack someone

It's just a phrase implying that I personally can't understand how someone can do this in good conscience. Just because Wal-Mart doesn't practice business in an ethical way, doesn't mean that people should lower their moral standards.

I personally can't believe that anyone would do this. This shows that some people just have no integrity whatsoever.

WiiU Deluxe (Launch Day) - $350

I am extremely surprised to not find Motorstorm on this list. I thoroughly enjoyed those games in 3D.

This just reminds me of a time my dad and I saw Lost in Space, and his remark was, "It was good right up until they traveled through time. That was just so unrealistic." I'm not sure when the point of disbelief should be suspended, but I make fun of my dad for this even still.

Exactly. Get rid of the password stuff and use a mac address filter for permission.