
Which makes sense, because that’s exactly how the games felt for me. Playing the first AC game felt like a more mature, sci-fi Prince of Persia.

Yep. I have played every Prince of Persia game with a grin on my face, and to this day love the movie. I don’t know what others were expecting, but I think it was true to the franchise, and as others have said, a well written and acted movie. Maybe not the greatest, but entertaining enough to watch several times.

Look out! That Dr. Strange picture is not diverse enough. There is a disproportionate amount of white guys. I need more diverse set pics please ☺

I honestly don’t think there’s many who deny that climate change is real. The disagreement is more about what’s causing the climate to change. This is a pattern that has happened every 150k years or so according to studies.

Lady Sif was in a couple of episodes, Mariah Hill was in a couple of episodes, Strucker’s pal, and Nick Fury. Plus, Phil Coulson is one of the main characters, who started in the movie-verse.

I’m sorry, but Rafe is a frickin awesome villain. He’s definitely more believable than Lazarovich from 2. I found him to be really well developed.

I would love to hear their take on pre-orders. I know it’s more of the publishing side of things and not devs, but would still be interesting. From a business perspective, I know it helps the publisher understand the initial demand a product will have, but what about retailer exclusive pre-order bonuses? What’s the

The point she was making is that they aren’t going to hire a female director just to hire a female director. They are going to hire the director that will do the best job for that film, whether it’s a woman or not. After all, they may have already contacted female directors and decided not to go with them.

I’m still unsure as to why there isn’t a U-turn signal as well on cars. On the other hand, no one utilizes the current configuration on a pretty consistent basis. There is no hope.

Comcast is starting to update it’s pricing. Although, from what I have seen, it’s updated it for new customers. Of course they gouge the people who already have the service. Who knows what it goes up to after the “trial period” is over.

Robots can kill you. The real question is can robots have motive or responsibility for their actions. Guns can kill you, but they don’t have motive or responsibility, that lies with the user.

Could also be that they consider each other brothers. It’s possible that Sam was an Orphan with Nate up until Sully picked him up.

I know this is only the first five minutes, but does it eventually turn into something less linear? I was thinking there would be some openness to this, not along the lines of the Lego Worlds game, but at least like some of the TellTale open settings.

I think you missed my point. My point was that Pacman is the icon because he was pushed by Namco through more games. My point was that Ms. Pacman is the better game. That’s all.

Yet my mom would put us kids to bed early every night so that she could enjoy playing ms. pac-man on our Atari 7800. I happen to agree that Ms. Pac-man is the better game. This is a tough one, though, because Pac-man is still kind of around, and hipsters/millennials think it’s cool to be into ‘retro’ stuff, whereas

This is definitely a better trailer. Now I’m extremely excited for this movie.

The problem is, America as a whole doesn't really have a 'middle class'. That's a false narrative put out by politicians and the media. For example, in Missouri, I could do well with a yearly income of ~$30 - $35k. If you were making that much in California, you're probably scraping by just to feed and clothe your

Even better, you can snap your fingers, yell (obscenities against your 3ds not preferred), blow, cough, or anything else you can think of to make the microphone sense sound/impact.

Metroid: Samus Attacks confirmed as a brand new way to match 3, 4, or 5 if you're lucky to find those pesky missile upgrades.

Maximum Overdrive is still to this day one of my favorite "campy" films. I can't help but laugh hysterically everytime at the beginning when the baseball coach is killed by a soda vending machine. So much classic.