
I live in a suburb that is ground-zero for high income helicopter parents. The last birthday party that my child attended came with a speech from the birthday kid’s mom about how safe the place was (it was at a play gym thing), I could stay if I wanted to, it was totally safe, I shouldn’t worry, if I need to stay I

Just call me Lysistrata.

If women need an expensive insurance rider to cover maternity care/childbirth and are solely responsible for hellish medical costs (my perfectly standard c-section and hospital stay was billed at $36k in toto) I will help fund the first lawsuit for medical damages from a woman pregnant due to broken condom. If dudes

This comment bothers me so much because it is 100% true.

“the next 4 or 5 weeks are going to be dramatic, and dark.”

At least we know that Donald Trump hates women more than he loves powerful Germans.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

It’s like the people whining now that Ellison has become “establishment” now that he is advocating working together. There are progressive democrats who will not be satisfied by anything. Also, they adore forgetting about moderates. I would vote for a democratic baked potato at this point but I’m a moderate all the

Some idiot already pulled you out of the greys so let me say from all of us

I fucking hate him and every single person who put him in office.

I was trying to think of a good pun, but fuck it. Remember when Cooley published a photo of his dick? Lulz.

roger, is that you?

So which happens first?

Why would you even give this awful human being more publicity?

Exactly! It’s a bullshit experiment that, as another commentator pointed out, does not bear out on the fact that Hillary’s debates only raised her points and the fact that she won the fucking popular vote.

Wait, she’s in DC? What happened to Barron’s all importand so special school in NYC that he couldn’t bear to part from?

It’s a work by MC Escher titled “Insufferable”

Trump is Pro-Make-My-Mistresses-Quiet

Nothing. We owe her absolutely fucking nothing. She owes feminism (which she claims to hate so much) everything for even being able to be in the position she is right now. If there’s any debt here, she’s the one who’s up to her eyeballs in it.

It’s nice when people talk about how fiscally conservative their policies are and then when you point out that free birth control prevents expensive health care and welfare costs down the line, for people they don’t want reproducing anyway, or how free/cheap public housing for the homeless drives down spending for