
Great read, and I agree with everything said. I have already invested 150 hours into Dark Souls, and I'm still learning new things and finding/creating new items and strategies for taking on different enemies. For me, no other game this year comes close to being as gratifying or rewarding.

Congrats, Totilo. Where's Brian Crecente going?

Since the new dashboard was released, I've been getting kicked out of a lot of multiplayer games, too. It's like the connection with the server just bombs out. It's been happening with Battlefield 3 and Iron Brigade a lot, and it's annoying. The same thing seems to be happening with party chat, too. You'll be talking

Ha ha, that's true. The Black Ops bots are brutal with sniper weapons and never seem to miss a headshot..

I bought the Hardened edition, with comes with an Elite subscription, and so far Elite is just ok. Sure, it's neat being able to check your stats in all kinds of detail, but I'm mainly in it for the DLC. I hope the service really delivers in that department. One thing I am sorely missing from BLack Ops is the ability

Loved the game, but agree with Luke that the gun controls were atrocious.

That second one, where the guy purposefully banked it off the wall for the game winning kill, was 'effin awesome!

Are gut checks a lazy gimmick to generate page views? YESSSSSSSSSS

I hadn't heard of the Hunger Games, but it looks cool.

Agreed. There's nothing wrong with enjoying SP. Although I love MP, too, I actually enjoy SP in the COD series, and by far, that was my biggest disappointment with Battlefield 3.

Great commercial, considerably better written and produced than the Black Ops one, while still getting at the same point.

Battlefield 3's online multiplayer is amazing, but I found the single player to be especially bad.

The Star Wars kid is all grown up!

I believe I opted for the basic warrior, but I've been building up my magic and faith. I have a number of different soul arrow spells, and they definitely come in handy. There's a few enemies, like the spikey blob things in the sewers, where fire would be especially useful, but in my attempt to free the first

I'm jealous of you having pyromancy skills, not going to lie

I bought it from Amazon for $13.95 on sale. It hasn't shipped yet, though.

Ha, I ordered this, too, just because Dark Souls is a game that truly deserves a 385-page strategy guide.

it came out this past Tuesday

I preordered Assault Horizon because I was a fan of Ace Combat 6, and everything I saw in trailers looked like a step in the right direction, especially the addition of choppers. Now that I have the game and have had some time to play with it, I think it's probably a good weekend rental. Which is to say, it's not

Demon's Souls was one of my favorite games of all time, and certainly one of the most rewarding I have ever played. It sounds like Dark Souls manages to pull off the same amazing accomplishment.