
Let's face it, betas aren't what they used to be. Now they are glorified demos. Just to prove my point, all of EAs marketing surrounding the beta has emphasized the ability to experience the game early, as opposed to say, "fix the bugs before it ships!"

I've been a little concerned from playing the Battlefield 3 Beta on Xbox, that they haven't fixed some of my biggest pet peeves from the PC Alpha, primarily hit detection. It can be very difficult to determine where you are getting shot from, because there is no blood splatter onscreen and you die VERY fast in

Where my money at? Is Adam Jensen going to have to choke a bitch?

Looks pretty good, nice video. I'm liking the options!

Loved it, usually played with 2-3 friends.

Seems kind of silly that Nintendo didn't take this sort of problem into consideration when designing the 3DS.

Awesome, now I just hope they include rare, end game loot drops that you can only get from bosses, etc. Customizable guns would be cool, too.

Dragon Age 2 taught me never to trust people named Anders, regardless of how cordial and well intentioned they may seem on the outside.

Still addicted to Tiny Tower

Demon's Souls was one of the most unique and rewarding games I have ever played. Every major victory was paid for with a dozen deaths, but every death was a learning experience on how to play better, be more patient, think more strategically, and ultimately triumph.

My greatest takeaway from the Resistance series was the online, class-based co-op missions of Resistance 2. Single player in both Resistance 1 and 2 was ok, but never great. The weapons were always creative, and I give the game that, but in looking at this video of Resistance 3, I can't say I'm impressed. The graphics

@rpm2855sm, but in your argument, you basically state the double standard. The double-standard that exists in our society is in relation to sex vs. violence. The Miller test exemplifies this double standard. Why is there a Miller test for pornography/sex/nudity, but not an equivalent test for violent content? Breyer's

I think the Japanese version is more interesting, although I never really understood why she is 7 feet tall.

Technically, they have been able to do so legally in the United States for quite some time. Hate speech is protected in the United States, if only in the interest of promoting discussion of ideas, with the hope that such discussion promotes better understanding and peace.

First of all, I think this is fascinating to read the thoughts of the pre-eminent legal scholars of our country. Justice Scalia's argument is beautifully written, and he does a fine job of laying out the conservative tenets of free speech.

Breyer actually made a very intelligent argument. If children's access to pornography can be limited constitutionally, shouldn't children's access to violent content be equally limited? To limit one, but not the other implies a double-standard, and I believe he was right to point it out.

In this case, you're right, I probably took a loss, but I have been able to buy a game on sale from Amazon, play it for a week, and sell it for a profit at Best Buy on a couple occasions. That's what I did with Enslaved, and I actually made money buying, playing and selling back that game.

"When you look at most TVs in home nowadays it takes awhile for them to turn on," he said.

This is pretty hilarious. He appears to be pretty good. "And there he's gone! Ha Ha HAA, Yeah!" lol.

+1 for whipping out the Latin derivative, lol