
@yellowpastystuff: wait, are you talking about the boss or the presenter?

Sorry to say it, but Crysis has always lacked in the gameplay department, and just watching that footage made me realize that it hasn't gotten any better.

Well, at least it looks more fun than the Medal of Honor beta ...

i noticed this the other day when the game began patching itself. i was like, wait, what is this 200 meg patch? and lo and behold, it was this!

Such a great game, am looking forward to the latest content

I think this looks cool. Will have to check it out.

@JoJitsu4u: yeah, that was an awesome song and a great trailer.

Ugh, EA needs to go back to whoever did the marketing for Battlefield Bad Company and BC2. I just hope Medal of Honor's single player is better than it's multiplayer beta, because the beta is like the ugly stepchild of Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield, but without all of the features that actually make those games

I played the demo. The game has some good elements, such as the sheer amount of customization players can experiment with, and, as Brian mentioned, the pixelation grenades. Other than that, the game moves a little too fast, the weapons all seem to do a little too much damage, and yes, people camp like crazy. It can't

About effin time!

I wonder if EA Sports freaked out when they saw the SouthPark episode parodying the next version of Tiger Woods golf, complete with the Elin golf club beating and car chase simulation.

That's why I hackintosh!

@silthyDingle: wow, I have this game and never knew about this

Might be fun, too early to tell.

So were you really playing Metal Gear? Or just testing out the 3D camera on the chick in front of you ... don't lie!

Well, I'm SOLD! I want it now!

@Asimoved: I own both the PS3 and the Xbox 360, and I'm going to have to say you're right. Nintendo blew everyone's minds with the 3DS

@Hunter2458: I'm left handed, and I approve of the stick placement.