
Want want want! Everyone who's witnessed the 3D and seen the quality of the games this little wonder produces — without 3D glasses, mind you — says it's mind blowing. I'm sold.

Okay. I want it. When can I buy it and for how much?

@E Honda Civic: lol, this might be the biggest fail of a troll attempt yet — you know, because turning around 360 degrees means ... oh, just forget about it.

@briktal: My love is for the original game: X-COM: UFO Defense. The spin offs were admittedly not the greatest. However, looking solely at the original, no other game since has managed to tie together the atmosphere, the turn-based strategy, the horror, the fragility of your team, the research, the economy, the

@DugDawg: Oh and p.s., the whole thing with chicks turning into robots was totally already done by Michael Bay in Transformers 2. Just saying ...

You know, 2K really missed out on a great opportunity here. The original XCOM universe was completely unique and rich. Why not re-create the original game's enemies and weapons, except re-envisioned from a high resolution, first person perspective?

Yeah, so I've been playing XCOM on Steam recently, because it's brought back memories from my childhood. And truth be told, the game is still amazing, despite the aging interface and low resolution textures. And so looking at this, I can't help but to share every other true fan's sentiment and simply ask

Ah, the good 'ol days. How I miss unlocking cool stuff from Goldeneye by completing ridiculously hard challenges.

still trying to figure out why this is nsfw. Is there a giant va-jay-jay i'm missing somewhere?

I imagine Gears of War 3 will have better panoramas than the one featured. That said, Gears of War 2 was one of the best looking games — in terms of art style — that I've ever seen.

That was pretty awesome.

Tried a bunch of them, but looks like they are all gone. Congrats to those who got them.

Looks like Halo, but damn if it doesn't look good.

Oh man, loved that game. I remember my dad buying a new Micron computer which allowed me and my buddy to run it.

@sweenish: I hope so. I'll buy it if so.

That was awesome

@Orionsaint: This would make the smoke monster from Lost crap itself.

Saw the movie tonight and thought it was awesome. I laughed, I cringed, and overall, I was solidly entertained. Gotta give it to Hit-Girl, she truly kicked ass.

This must be the Virtual Boy version of the game

I played the Kasumi DLC last night and had some fun with it, but as mentioned in this review, it is short, and it is completely at odds with the storyline if you have already beaten the game. I did like enjoy Kasumi's backstory, but I agree it could have been fleshed out a little more. I like her flashbang grenades,