
My Fable character was a super fat ass, but he could lay down a beating on the bad guys, so I guess that is all the mattered.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: Single player can be a bit unenjoyable because you spend so much time trying to build up your defenses (as a worker) while very few of your teammates help you, and then you spend the rest of the time trying to sneak into their base and get the princess. The process is always the same, and

@zgreenwell: Ah yes, I suppose that is a catapult, but it functions more like a man cannon, in that you jump in it and it launches you across the map.

Single player was kind of a bore, but I love the design of the game. Unfortunately, my online experience so far has hit its share of snags. I've encountered a lot of lag and latency issues online. Love the class-based system and the upgrades though. I wish it were possible to make battering rams, catapults, etc., for

Thanks for the shout out, Kotaku. I'm always happy to pass along a great deal.

Cool, I bought this game a while ago for the PS3, happy to have the trophy support now.

Doh, I already bought the other two packs. Shouldn't they give incentives to people like me, also?

That definitely looks like Brute Force — man, that game was terrible.

Nordic Vikings + Metal = kick ass

I think the new system is great, in theory, but now it is terribly slow for me to read other's comments. Something about the new system has slowed my Internet Browser down to a crawl both at home and at work.

As a kid growing up in the '80s, I remember looking at posters of Michael Jackson and thinking, that guy is awesome. Listening to all of Michael Jackson's old songs, I still think, he was absolutely amazing. This was really a shock for me. I'm sad.

@DugDawg: Oh yeah, I also bought Grand Turismo Prologue from Target on the same day for $10.

Just bought Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction for $15 at Target. Gotta love their clearance sales.

I'm still trying to finish my second play through of InFamous as evil Cole. I'm struggling to complete some of the remaining combos, and I still have 7 more shard fragments to find.

My prediction, this thing will result in lots of broken furniture.

The ballad of gay Tony? Really, Rockstar? I have nothing against people being gay, but I fear this can go one of two ways. Either Rockstar will make this episode a mockumentary of everything homosexual, which would please homophobic Xbox Live fans and piss off people who are actually gay. Or, alternatively, Rockstar

@Mike Out: I enjoyed the demo. Kind of reminds of Crackdown with better visuals. One thing about Crackdown was that you could fire guns, drive cars and beef up your superpowers, so I hope InFamous doesn't get stale by limiting your powers to lightning. Overall, though, I found the enemies exciting, the missions

@Antiterra: I tried to buy it from Amazon UK (who'se selling it for 14.99 pounds), and it wouldn't let me ship it to my address in the United States. The website told me there is some kind of trade restriction on shipping video games to the U.S. from Europe, bummer.

@Antiterra: Good idea, I'll check out Amazon UK.

I can't find Uncharted Drake's Fortune anywhere! I wonder if it's going to be made into a greatest hits deal or something, but I can't find it at Best Buy or Target or anywhere that would sell it new. Plus, I still can't believe the game has been out for two years and still sells for full price.