
I'm glad they fixed that, I like my radroaches shiny.

I could so do this, I totally flew through that gun at the end of Ace Combat 6. Time to dance with the Angels, lolz.

It's not Capcom approved Street Fighter art unless Cammy's ass is featured prominently in the center.

Marissa Miller, nice. I've always been a fan.

I'm considering building my own fighting stick using Sanwa and Seimitsu parts. I've been doing some research online, and I think I can do it. The problem with all of these new fighting sticks being professionally made is that they just aren't available!

Capcom sure loves to show off Cammy's 'ass'ets, doesn't it?

I played multiplayer all weekend. I even beat the single player game Saturday night at around 2 a.m. on hard/hardcore (whatever the highest setting is when you first start the game). All's I can say is that end boss is a beeyotch!!!!

@dreamfall: I went ahead and bought both consoles. Granted, I have a job and make decent money, but save up for both. You can't go wrong that way.

@apoloimagod: Hmm, I suppose you're right. It sounds more grammatically correct with that extra "the".

@Coochie: I did experience one bug. I walked up to the counter at Burger Shot and Johnny froze solid. I could check my map and everything, but couldn't move Johnny. All I wanted was a burger!

@ShaggE: Agreed. I do love the gang aspects though, like how riding around in formation gives you health benefits, and how you can call your brothers for backup and guns. It's all about the brotherhood!

Akuma in that game is fricken ridiculous. I beat every guy in the game without losing to get to Akuma. And then I probably fought Akuma like 50 times before beating him.

I've probably spent more time playing Puzzle Quest than any other game on my Xbox 360 — more than Mass Effect, more than Halo 3, more than even Fallout 3. So yeah, I'll be buying this for sure.

You had me at "Road Rash".

LOL, Pro Wrestling for the Nintendo was an awesome game when i was a kid. I liked the Amazon!

Nice. Considering the multiplayer focus of the game and the limited amount of multiplayer content the game launched with, I think this is appropriate.

Asshole Commie bears that suckie punch you when you try to talk to chicks are the worst!

Looks pretty sweet, even if Guile looks like a beef cake take on Christopher Walken.

@DugDawg: Let me try that again, cause I must be tired. "I just hope there's bullet bending, because that was one of the cooler special effects in the "movie."