
What's up with the mask, no one had one in the movie. I just hope theres some good bullet bending. That was one of the cooler special effects in the game.

@Shiryu: Funny that the first thing I did was count her fingers, too. Looking at this one, though, her sixth finger might be hiding in her pants. Watch out!

That girl promotes everything these days . . . economy's tough you know.

@Komrade Kayce: I beat the game on Veteran, too. Was an effin beeyotch!

Is it bad that I'd rather have new maps for COD 4: Modern Warfare?

The only thing this game really needs is a quick travel function so that once you've discovered a location, you can quick travel there again, like in Fallout 3. This would eliminate the countless hours of driving back and forth, blasting through the same checkpoints, over and over and over . . .

@Nets_Fan: I love Valkyria Chronicles, but I wouldn't exactly call it a 3rd person shooter. In fact, it is nothing like Gears of War.

I downloaded the demo last night from a European account I created and figured I would share some impressions with you. First of all, the graphics are excellent.

That's funny because when I first got this game for my Vista 64 bit computer, it would crash 10 seconds into starting the game. The game would tell me that there was a patch to download via XBox Live, but the game would always crash before I could install it . . . Good times.

@Trailnutz: I was about to say his "friend" is pretty hot, but then I realized that was Kate Beckinsale, and it all made sense. Gawd, she's hot.

Looks pretty awesome. I remember buying a similar arcade stick for the Super Nintendo back in the day to play Street Fighter 2. This one looks pretty slick.

@DugDawg: On a side note, how about giving us some more weapons, co-op missions and multiplayer maps?

This is easily my favorite game to play online on the PS3. I'm glad they are tweaking gameplay, and also glad that I've already leveled my medic to 30, because it sounds like medics won't level as quickly now.

I've loved MGS 4, but I still haven't played it online. I'm too addicted to Valkyria Chronicles at the moment to play anything else.

This is unfortunate. I really liked Circuit City and I feel bad for all of those who will be out of work.

This game's going to be pimp. In terms of comparing Xbox achievements to Playstation 3 trophies, I think they each have their merits.

I'm glad to hear this. I was worried the whole game was going to end up looking like a Dark City.

Isabella's a trap!

I'm loving it so far. Jack Bauer is like Solid Snake, minus the butt suit. He flat out badass.