
It is pretty desperate when you have to include a dance routine that was actually posted well before her death. You and Plunder Bunny need to step up your game. Victims always gonna be victims. Whatever you may say about her, she never murdered kids. The IRA did.

Actually she is 100% correct. She is the GOAT.

So you approve of a school acting like a twelve year old and taking the ball and going home. Grow a pair. BTW, it has been widely reported that their is certainly a lack of any evidence for this “slur”. Wallowing in victimhood just supports the stereotype of blkpipo.

I suppose it never occurred to any “adult” or blogger to actually ask one of the kids what was going on. Kids do weird stuff all the time. BTW, did anyone even think to ask the coach what was going on either? I guess that would spoil the victimhood posts that The Root needs.

Based on the chronic poor results in reading, writing and arithmetic, it would be better to concentrate on the basics so people can actually graduate with some skills...reading, writing, speaking. Graduating from high school without being pushed through would be nice too. 

I am quite sure that these “tips” were not relevant and just consisted of deranged lefties. 

People with less funds than you manage to cross the southern border every day. I guess they have more courage. BTW, you don’t know what the word “fascist” means.

Both can be true. BTW, stop with comparing NBA and WNBA salaries. The WNBA does not make enough revenue to pay their players at NBA rates. Duh.

This is so silly. No one cares about the WNBA...that is why the ticket sales are low and the TV contract is small. You can’t pay the players more than what revenue they generate. Simple economics. Only in your world do women “deserve” NBA salaries from some unlimited pot of money. 

Claiming racism instead of her own behavior is soooo typical of people who just cannot accept their own failures...or bloggers who need clicks. There is no human right to play in the WNBA. 

Because they never seem to get their act together as a country. If the borders were open (much like they are now) everyone would leave Haiti....it has been that way for the last fifty years. 

It is amazing how ignorant athletes can be. Maybe “shutup and dribble” is the right approach. Throwing the race/gender card at this is pure childish nonsense.

You are missing the point. Her statements will fuel the right and cause center Democrats to not vote for people that support this nonsense. She just dodged the questions and spoke from talking points. Well done. 

Twelve year old “adults” and “writers” weighing in on serious matters. Juvenile antics. Another case of not even bothering to read the SC decision and actually looking at the state law.

Pure clickbait. The headlines are full of black men arrested over crimes like murder, assault etc (you know culture crimes) all over the US. You gloss over those just to promote The Root’s race baiting. If you actually cared, you would look at the statistics and they do not back up your juvenile claim.

This is the kind of argument a child makes. If you think that ALL of the police officers in the US act the same way under stress you are sadly mistaken. The real story is that black perpetrators are killed during police pursuits just like white perpetrators.

The key to a democracy is that you get involved and then accept the outcome. If that is too hard to handle, I am sure there are plenty of other countries that will accept your views.

If you are not making sufficient money in your career you might try changing careers. Or, playing basketball in a democratic country.

Truth hurts but without it, you never can find a solution. Try changing the culture. 

Any blk adult can get a rifle now...and they do. Have you been paying any attention at all?