Who exactly do you think is doing all the shooting of young blkpipo? Check to see what one of the leading causes of unnatural death in the blk community is.
Who exactly do you think is doing all the shooting of young blkpipo? Check to see what one of the leading causes of unnatural death in the blk community is.
She defines what a “drama queen” is. She uses these claims to get empathy from her adoring admirers. She was not in danger that day and she was far from the actual protest/riot. She does this all the time and you just encourage this behavior (like you would a child) by believing it. What is curious is that the same…
Weak. This is not even journalism. It is just propaganda and a political hit job based on allegations. Nice job.
For heaven’s sake, stop with the ancient Roman names using bad latin.
These devices have been used routinely in hospitals and doctor’s offices for years. This study is just grafting onto the raycism bandwagon and again creating more “victims”. The reading is just one data point in any diagnosis anyway. Good job though creating more victims for the club.
More Flight Etiquette Rules than Commandments. First World problems.
It is nonsense like this that erodes confidence in the left. What exactly are you going to replace them with? A person that controls violent crime with bad language and feather dusters? You know exactly how to reduce mass shootings...concentrate on the group that is involved the most in those mass shootings. In fact,…
Tell them the truth. It is very rare. Most mass shootings in the US are done by one age group and ethnic group. Those are the facts.
I am sure it was documented by a camera crew for a special. Grifters will grift.
Comedy is subjective and depends on the audience. Clearing you are not part of that...there is a substantial amount of peope that are. The reason why this material is “funny” (and it is) is because the Trans Lobby has power and has become a group of bullies. People always make fun of censors and bullies and you should…
Really. This is that serious? Kids having a fight? Good lord, being overly sensitive to the actions of a child is nonsense. Meanwhile, gang bangers are shooting up cities and especially memorials for murdered people. Rappers are one of the professions with a horrific death rate.
More fake news. Where do you people come from?
I did not realize that the cops in Buffalo were not the same cops in Minneapolis and Ferguson. You are brilliant in determining that. It is silly arguments like this that people with common sense ignore.
The majority of gun violence especially mass shooting incidents is from POC with guns. Usually gang related.
If they were by POC that is why.
And you totally ignore those mass killings by the left. You are exactly what is wrong with discussions on this issue.
I am not sure why you posted that tweet. It is completely wrong and is just passing on fake news and a fake narrative. The shooting in Buffalo is a representation of severe mental problems and media that encourages violence...right and left. This person was on law enforcement radar and dropped the ball on stopping it…
To summarize your argument: you are astounded that playing the gay, black, feminist grievance card has not gotten this privileged athlete out of this predictament? Silly. BTW, if more people went to WNBA games then the salaries would be higher...duh.
I never thought I would find a Putin bot on this blog. Who knew? Putin has been trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire one state at the time. That is why Putin has fomented the establishment of numerous breakaway statelets. The Baltic States and Poland are part of NATO...they are part of NATO because of people like…
Thanks for throwing the racial grievance card right away. You are up-holding “The Root” standards for calling everything racist. Well done. Silly, but well done.