
Not true a all. Why is it that people can’t watch video that clearly shows that the officer who did the shooting was the first on scene.

There were no other officers there first. The video clearly shows that. This “blogger” and now you are just passing bad information that facts do not support.

If it was you that was being attacked by someone with a knife you would be crying for someone to shoot that person. Duh. 

So silly. It is clear from the video that her arm was raised to stab the second girl. There was not time. You are just rationalizing something to back up your inherent bias and bigotry.

This is so silly. You are so devoid of common sense that it has affected your reasoning...in the toxic blogging scene. In your world, police should let blkpipo fight it out with knives because it is a cultural thing and a rite of passage. Quoting people who have watched as their people have been killing each other for

Here we go again with the Annie Oakley “shoot them in the leg” nonsense. 

People make bad choices and sometimes nothing can help them. Hint: trying to kill someone with a knife may get you shot. BTW, no one in the crowd lifted a finger to help. In fact, one brave soul kicked one of the women after she was knocked down. Looks like a culture of violence on display.

And yet you can’t refute anything he says. The problem really is the culture in certain communities...and you know it.

You are actually insane. There is no other explanation. You are making this up and lying about what happened there. There is video proof that the girl attacked two people with a knife. That may be ok culturally in the Black community, but for the vast majority of people, if one attacks you with a knife that is deadly

Mexican bandits did not wear traditional Mexican garb. Who knew! The smart set knows that they really wore black tuxedos (after 6:00 PM). That was how one could tell the bandits from regular folk. This blog is so educational. In other words, a microaggression is anything that will help you claim victimhood. Well done.

So Rush was the cause of all your daddy issues. You are exactly the type of person that he would parody. You made it too easy for him. It is amazing that he lives inside of your head even after he is dead. I am surprised that there is enough room for him and Trump.

You need to try again. All you managed to do was to say that a shitpost is something that you don’t like. The Ted Cruz post is an example of that. The fact is that he is not wrong. The rolling blackouts during the summer (for years) are proof of that.

Maybe they were protecting him from her. She sounds cray-cray.

Nonsense. This is a great example of the silly, “woke”, immature behavior of the NYT. The staffers are merely using a minor kerfuffle to seize more organizational power by claiming a wypipo scalp by asserting that his alleged remarks makes them victims of oppression and that they are “outraged and in pain” over

Wow. AOC takes the term Drama Queen to an entirely new level. And of course she now claims to be a sexual assault survivor which protects her from criticism and incites the mob to attack anyone who doubts her stories. And this blog prints this...I guess the Capital Police who were injured during the incident are fine

Just have them read the blog posts on The Root for them to see that wypipo are inherently bad and evil. 

So, in other words....just feed them some left wing propaganda and quote some CRT mumbo-jumbo.  Gloss over the temper tantrum from the left since 2016. Well done. 

They are chumps. At least blm rioters got big screen TVs. 

If only the average citizen had access to that program. Small businesses looted by blm and antifa could use that assistance to rebuild. 

This is totally silly and absurd. There is no reality to this post at all and you are solely using this incident to foster racial grievances and for clicks. So are the people you quoted. Everyone watched BLM loot, burn and terrorize cities in the US (over a billion in damages) during the year. This incident was not