
Thank you for upholding the standard in the Gawkerverse that everything is the fault of wypipo. Well done. Unfortunately, the bulk of commenters are swooning and becoming hysterical over a relatively minor event. This was not even close to a coup or an insurrection.

A pair of Betsy Ross flag themed sneakers would stop these elite athletes in their tracks and make them cry.

Kap is good for selling sneakers. No one wants a high priced quarterback that crys at the sight of the Betsy Ross flag or that supports Abu-Jamal. He is just whining about this for the clicks and to stay “relevant” at this point.

Nope. Exactly how many votes did Russian “interference” cost Clinton? That was never even estimated with any facts or proof. Clinton only conceded because she had no proof of the Russians throwing the election Trump’s way.

You are missing reality. Clinton most certainly did pitch a fit...and she has continually being singing the same song about getting robbed of her birthright for the last four years. Russia, Russia, Russia....conspiracy theories were being spread by her and her team for years. She lost to Trump...and she must have

Thank you for throwing the race card right away instead of using facts. Well done. Good virtue signaling. BTW, calm down. Nothing Trump is doing has broken any laws.

This is a great opportunity to defund the police in Atlanta and to demonstrate how a new police model will prevent crime. In addition, activists can give us an example how restorative justice would work in this case. Come on BLM, step up to the plate and let’s see what your plan really is.

It is true what they say about “feminists”. They are jealous of successful women that don’t share their political beliefs. Thanks for demonstrating that.

For even more cheap clicks, you could do stories about bumper cars with real cars. You could even interview Laura Anderson and Nicholas Wall about it. Well, maybe you can’t because they are dead. Shot by Ty Sheem Walters. Yep those blkpipo are sure funny about fender benders.

A pox on your houses...the media, bloggers (the Root too), BLM rioters, antifa blackshirts et al. This is what happens when “adult sized children live-action role playing as street revolutionaries.”

Naw, they will just let you do it to yourselves. 

It is wonderful that White moms get to lead all those POC! They sorely needed the guidance. Behind every successful Black event stands a White woman to run the show. They will make sure that POC only throw bricks and other things at authorized symbols.

Calm down. If you literally think that she was endangering his life, you have not been paying attention to real life in NYC. Or anywhere else. A black male in NYC is more likely to get shot by another black male than by police. I know facing the truth can be hard, but try. Journalism is hard, blogging is not.

Finally. You and everyone else on this blog knows that this is solely about classism and your perceived failures in ascending the economic ladder.

The homeowner heard threats dearie. Duh. 

Except there are a real lawyers...not people that slept at a Holiday Express...that say otherwise. 

Oh dear, I am so sorry to have upset you hun. The husband stated that they were threatened repeatedly. Based on the mobs demeanor throughout the US, I have no reason to doubt that. The propensity for violence has been proven over and over. I guess you were there dearie? Tell us what happened in your world...don’t be

Work on reading comprehension. It was a PRIVATE STREET. That is a thing. A mob going through private property chanting to burn it all down and similar inflammatory language certainly authorizes an armed response. While pointing a weapon is normally a provocative act, it certainly is not when threatened by a mob. That

Albert Haynesworth expressive? Nah. Polarizing? Yes...Andre Gurode and Mike Shanahan think so. Methinks that you are taking this anti wypipo , anti Patriot shtick too far. Your analysis of the QB market in the NFL could really use some real analysis without the race lens. 

I hope that Nike provides some great kicks to the staff. I certainly am looking forward to see all the privilege that he grew up with. One can only be envious. Why it takes six episodes is beyond me....many shoes to sell I guess.