
The protestors were on private property. They had smashed open a gate that secured the private road and property. Duh. It was not a public thoroughfare. Not a crime to protect yourself and your property from a mob under the Castle Doctrine. Hint: The AV Club is not the place for accurate news. 

Except that this is a noose knot...there is no running end. A noose knot is the simplest knot to tie when you need a secure fix loop ended piece of line. They are used everywhere and are often seen with their cousin the bowline.

Except....that is obviously not a “noose”. I spent the three minutes more productively. A noose has a running side to tighten. This poor picture does not show a real noose. Even Victor Sengbe, or the Osundariro brothers know what a noose is. There are actually walk-around videos of those bays that show similar looped

John Bogle, the founder of Vanguard wrote several books that have stood the test of time. Or visit the Bogleheads forum.

No MAGA hat dearie. But thank you for showing your age and mental acuity.

If you think that systemic oppression is a thing, you have a real imagination or just lack world experience. 

It is balanced out by those on the left that have no clue about George Orwell and what his beliefs were or have even read any of this essays.

Superficial analysis. Blkpipo (using The Root style guide) have the most interactions with police officers because they proportionally are involved in illegal activities. Your data from 2013 to 2018 show that too. Facts sometimes hurt.

During these times, it is refreshing to see a great parody, comic blog in The Gawkerverse. This is truly 1984 worthy. I am really glad that in spite of all the really important, weighty issues of the day, there are actually woke folks doing yeomanlike work on absolute nonsense. I bet you tear up when you have to deal

So is BLM a slogan or a political party? It appears to be both. If it is both, Starbucks is within their rights not to have their customers display political attire while working. 

Oh please. Clearly your understanding on what goes on in retail, especially at outlets like Walmart or even your local corner pharmacy. Everything is data driven in inventory. And clearly in some locales, certain items are shop-lifted. You can see that in the inventory data...the concept of “shrinkage” is well known.

He probably did but got confused by your changing subjects constantly, introducing and quoting false data without any attempt at context and other meaningless concepts into the blog post. Not well done.

I really doubt the writer of this blog knows what the definition of “homicide” is when referring to coroner reports. It is not the common meaning. Actually using journalism skills to enlighten the reader would diminish the outrage factor that is required on The Root. 

But I thought that the protesters/looters were Russians or White Supremacists? How dare you support those thugs. 

You should have everyone associated with The Root read this. 

No he was not defending his property. He chased the man and was not even near his truck anymore. You can’t defend something when you are not even near it anymore. If you really want this kind of retaliation, then you really are just advocating for all kinds of tit-for-tat violence. Well done.

Silly. Actually look up what a war crime is.  Virtue signalling in the Gawkerverse is no way to go through life.

This blog post is very funny and meaningless. You don’t even know what a fascist is and yet you claim to see fascists everywhere in the current administration. ANTIFA is a mindset of liberal, white, middle and upper class kids that need something in their pitiful lives to be a part of. It is that simple. They are

There is always more to the story...and that is precisely why you leave it out. Anything for the clicks though. Try some journalism...it does not hurt.

If you are afraid of someone carrying a piece of plastic on his back, you seriously need to find a good doctor. Grown men are not afraid of inert pieces of green plastic...they are not scary. What you should be afraid of are those people that take firearms to public parks during parties and shoot five people. That is