
If Trump is somehow responsible for people dying in your hospital, you have a really poorly run hospital. If you are part of it you should be ashamed of yourself. TDR is real and your are a product of that. Sorry.

You really have not been paying any attention at all have you. Lol.

Lets do a review of all the gang related tats in the NFL...for extra credit a review of all the Five Percenters tats and hip hop related music. Duh. If you look hard enough, you can find the Bogeyman everywhere. Good for clicks though. I applaud you keeping the bigots on your blog entertained. Heck of a way to make a

LOL. Being a blogger and just stealing stories from other sites leads to poor habits and actually just passing Fake News. This just proves Trump’s point about “media”. Everything you repeated from the Politico and Salon story has been showed to be inaccurate and totally out of context. Trump never owed the funds...the

Of course they could do what others are doing in urban areas...keeping the crime rate up. Especially in Baltimore. 

And not being violent in any way. Duh. Being a bigot is no way to go through life. 

This is a blatant lie. These “omissions” that you claim are some deliberate plan from the Allied nations belies the many books, documentaries and even monuments that put your comments in the category of liar. Lying on the internet is no way to go through life. Not even for clicks.

Thank you for throwing the race card in a pretty banal discussion of a videogame. Double points for making it some issue about the poors and hatred of the West and those pesky democracies. Hint: games are not real. Don’t overplay their impact or importance. Unless you suffer from TDS, or are a card carrying

You need to do more research. What you and the media are spreading is misinformation. These are machines that are more akin to highly sophisticated C-PAP machines than ventilators. This would probably be useful though for really short term use...like one day.  The same goes for a multitude of the machines being hyped

It is humorous to watch you become completely devoid of any critical thought in your decent into Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you had spent at least five minutes in the Interweb, you would have discovered the multitude of mistakes the the WHO made in reporting the Wuhan Flu. For extra points you could have dug

Panic blogging is no way to go through life. Panic blogger with outright lies and half-truths just show ignorance and a heavy dose of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

If you don’t know the vast difference between Singapore and the US in terms of population, square miles and social structure you get easily fooled by articles like this. And you even threw in some TDS too! BTW, since you revolve around trite analysis, why did the Obama Administration not leave a robust fully funded

Very amusing. I know that this is just a blog and that The Root lives in a constant state of victimhood from wypipo, but please. The Wuhan Virus was born, bred and exported from China. It has nothing to do with race or nationality in modern times. There are always people on the fringe, like you, that take this to the

For a host of good reasons, the term Wuhan Virus is still the most appropriate. After all, their bungling as the source of the virus and then hiding its severity is the cause of what is happening now. Being subservient to the government of China is no way to go through life...even for a blog. The WHO can be forgiven,

Is everyone that blogs in the Gawkerverse on the Chinese payroll? Just asking. Now, don’t be Kung Flu fighting over this. Duh. This is so typical of the strange world outlook in the intersectional universe. Those with Lyme Disease, West Nile virus, Ebola, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever et al are complaining too.

It is truly amazing that people can imagine these “literal Nazis” on every street corner and in every facet of life when in the real world, life goes on like it always has. This needs to be studied by the medical profession.

Jussie Smollett says that Gillum is being railroaded. He thinks that men wearing MAGA hats stormed into the room and forced alcohol (and other things) down Gillum’s throat. The men only left because they forgot the rope and bleach.

Even for a blogger this post is all over the map, contains “facts” drawn out of context and in some cases are flat out lies. I guess all of the recent funding for this event is out of your memory banks. Come on man, even in the Gawkerverse you could try to do better.

The comment section on The Root is a reflection of the fact that The Root is a prejudiced, racist blog. That is not opinion, that is fact.

Word is that he is a cousin of Anthony Ferrill.