
It is sad to see the level of ignorance about the so-called socialist countries of Europe. You really need to see how they really operate to understand that Sanders is well to the left of how those countries actually work and fund their programs. 

Except, that never happened my child. 

Thank you for demonstrating how silly (and desperate) people with Trump Derangement Syndrome sound. I know that this is just a blog, but at least you could try to do some journalism-fu and actually write something meaningful instead of playing to the crazy-town commenters. It is funny to read their insane posts

Pure unadulterated psychobabble. The livery is old and tired and is no longer relevant. It is not 1962 anymore and the president that started the fiasco in Vietnam is gone. Deal with it.

And he will still be a Supreme Court Justice today, tomorrow, next week, next year and the year after that. You, on the other hand, will be still crying anonymously on the internet. Waaah. 

Thank you for reminding me how bigoted the defenders of rape can be when they are of the same tribe. 

Like the mirror image of Harriot. Duh.

Everyone knows that men make the best women. That is just life. 

I understand the feelings of grief you are having over your loss of a fellow traveler. But, supporting a bigoted, exploiter of the poor by selling them sweatshop produced, over priced sneakers and jocks is not a good look. Even for you. Even for clicks. 

Yep. For years and years no one ever attacked any US facility overseas. It is so sad that Trump just created a new enemy in Iran and Hezbollah. Brilliant insight you have.

He really should stick to selling sneakers and jock straps for his white employers. 

She was deported three times prior. And each time her family abandoned her in Mexico. No sympathy. Not sorry.

Good riddance. Too woke by far and prone to outright fabrication of grievances. His fact free rants were certainly not exactly endearing to the base. Note: transgender women of color are not being gunned down in an epidemic of transgender hate crimes. Constant virtue signaling is not a political platform.

The problem with bloggers is that they do not understand simple words...like torture. No do they understand their subjects. There is no evidence at all that Manning is being tortured...except in your dreams.

I am glad that you provide a forum for deranged folks showing their bigotry and stupidity. Thanks.

Only in the bizarre world of The Root is a multi billion dollar company and a multi million dollar athlete able to sell over priced sneakers made by third world sweatshops to poor people and be praised for it. Lol.

I am embarrassed for you. Suffering from TDS is hard and is life altering. Doing this for clicks is silly...even for a freelancer.

Well done. Reading the frenzied victimhood comments by the traumatized  denizens of The Root is fascinating. How you elicited silly yet bigoted statements from a single trolling video is remarkable. Good job getting those clicks. 

Black antisemitism is just White Nationalism for Black People.