That was not a workout. That was a warm up session. There is a difference. I know that Kaepernick gets you clicks but at least try to do journo stuff.
That was not a workout. That was a warm up session. There is a difference. I know that Kaepernick gets you clicks but at least try to do journo stuff.
Exactly. Ryan and that other notable 49ers raycist Richard Sherman are fascists for saying things like that.
Yep. Typical The Root commenters. Orange Man bad...Orange Man pardons causes sailor to kill others and commit suicide...Orange Man needs to bring back draft so the left can have fits crying about that. Nonsensical...but hey, at least you are not in the greys right? Lol.
It would be nice if someday, The Root would stop immediately throwing the racial grievance card for events that they know nothing about. I know that bloggers need clicks, but the pandering to the bigots that appear on these post is sad and pathetic.
Probably because the comments are spot on...and that bothers you.
Not understanding capitalism and just playing the victim card is no way to go through life. There is nothing inherent in capitalism that is racist. Nothing.
Yep. A limo liberal swings by offers free stuff to the plebs and then goes back in the limo for a ride to his mansion. And the press promotes him as some sort of modern day symbol of human rights. This is pure public relations. Any decent PR outfit has their clients do exactly this. Silly.
There were many child psychologists that swore that children had been abused in several infamous child abuse cases. They were completely wrong. Just like in this case.
First World problems are getting silly and the extent of victimhood getting expansive. They should just say: “I am woke.” Nuff said.
Endangered players? Are you really serious? Staying in a five star hotel is not hazardous to your health. If they are that concerned over security they should not be in China in the first place.
Exactly. No one can imagine how difficult it is to be catered to 24x7, fly in chartered jets, stay at five star hotels and play a game for millions. Not to ignore selling sneakers. The gall of those HKers for jeopardizing that.
LeBron did fine. He passed the struggle session with ease and the cadre are quite pleased with his actions.
So what would Kaepernick say about this?
By all means let us not do anything that will retard the growth of basketball in China. I guess Israel is now safe from the NBA engaging with the BDS crowd. And Kaepernick and Nike can safely sell sneakers and jocks.
And GB is powerless to do anything about it. Stamping your feet and crying for fair play will not cut it with the Party.
Thank you for throwing the racial grievance card in a discussion about China. I have often noticed the wide diversity in have too apparently. The Uighurs thank you for caring about them....and the NBA training center in their province.
I thought that the proper etiquette on Deadspin was for the commenters to throw the racial grievance card. Are you trying to outdo The Root?
And the guv has failed on both counts. Good job.
What a shame that the school board fired a pregnant Native American.
You should really find an adult to talk through your issues with. In any event, stay in school. You obviously need it. It is clear that you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome too. There is a cure for that.