
Everyone is awaiting the woke coaches (Pop and Kerr) and players (James and Curry) making statements in support of the HK protestors....just like they do for everything else.

Good job fueling hatred and letting the racial grievance card fly. Even Smollett would be proud of you. Judging by the comments to this blog, your readers love wypipo conspiracy theories. 

You destroy your own argument by using Manning, Snowden and Winner as shining heroic examples of whistleblowing. They are far from it. Especially in the cases of Manning and Snowden, your flawed analysis is far from accurate.

Thank you for being upfront with the racial grievance card and adding some patriarchy topping. Neither of which make any sense in regards to the topic. But, after all it is the thought that matters. 

Being twelve years old is tough enough without wallowing in self delusion and not even beginning to understand global politics. That is on you. Oh by the way, Iran would violently oppose a “Kurdistan” too. It is one of the tragedies of global politics, but that is the way it is. BTW, lying about what the US provided

This is comical. I do not think doubling down on poor analysis is a good way to go through life. The reality (not the la la land foreign policy of yours) is that Turkey will always oppose a “Kurdistan”. Even a quick review of history would have shown you that even before Erdogan there was an internal civil war between

Finally. The wait for the inevitable racial grievance card was getting unbearable. You are a true champ for doing it. Good Kinja. (Hint: do you really think Turkey wants a Kurdistan? )

I think you really need to see a professional. You should return to this world and not the one you have made up in your head. You are welcome. 

You are angry because she told a lie and got caught. Now that is some silly arguments....being an adult is hard but try it. 

Imaginary peeple cannot be rapists. You are welcome. 

You really should calm down and recall the stupidity surrounding Smollet. 

When last heard from Congresswoman Tlaib was concerned about winking and conspiracies over vaping. Truly a monumental intellect for our troubled times. 

Thanks for posting your notes from the struggle session. 

I really am concerned about bloggers needing an activist mascot, especially a child, to get their point across. That is doubled when they cry foul about it yet in their heart of hearts if it was a child espousing a conservative cause they would be in full outrage mode. Using children as political props, especially one

And it was justified. Duh. 

Sorry dearie but your “view” of what transpired is as phony as your outrage. This was strictly a publicity stunt by some self proclaimed activists that shouted at a Congressman. They certainly were not interested in dialog. and they were completely incoherent to boot. This is just a twelve year old kiddies way of

Thank you for a keeper of a blog. Just imagine the first world problem of being in Texas with all the deplorables and plebes there and then having to have to gaze upon a too small Rolls is beyond the pale. How do you cope?

No one wants the distraction and politics involved with hiring this disgruntled child. Kaepernick should just stay at home and cash the checks Nike sends him for the acolytes that buy his branded attire. (He probably cannot live off the settlement from the NFL). 

It is disingenuous to not mention that Stier has been a lawyer for the Clintons in one form or another for years. That the alleged victim has not acknowledged any of this. That Ramirez has been discredited by everyone.

This is Splinter. There is no way that any blogger will risk having to go to a Struggle Session if they mention anything derogatory about a union.