
Yep. Only Fellow Travelers on the leftist highway should own media companies. There ought to be a law.

His arm is not the problem. His latest headgear IS the problem. 

The problem with the internet is that ill informed people make silly comments without bothering to actually look anything up. Do some basic research...don’t be lazy all the time. That symbol is much older than the Nazis. And versions are still used by Germany to this day. There is more to what is on his collar than

This actually triggered you? Are you serious? You are either twelve years old or need the clicks really badly. You should know that twitter is the realm of silly bombastic comments. Just like you make all the time. 

You are crazy if you think there are actually ppl in the Gawkerverse who don’t see that everything is about being woke, victimization and intersectionality. 

Ask Hamilton Nolan about union contracts. Then look up the NFL CBA. You are welcome. 

Hmmm no. AB is pure narcissism and is counting on the underlying racial grievance card enablers for support. For you to say that AB’s conduct is somehow exempt from contractual obligations from both parties as codified in the CBA is just plain silly. This was not some argument with the GM even though your boss

People willingly go through life acting ignorant. I wonder why that is. 

Thank you for throwing the racial grievance card. Better late than never. Well done. 

Yet another mass shooting by wypipo. 

Who is this Kaepernick that you are referencing? Is this the same Kaepernick who is the Castro apologist?

Thanks for throwing the obligatory racial grievance card. Well done. 

Favre is retired.  I think you might be thinking about an ex-player who now sells Nike branded jock straps for a living. 

I guess in your world, all police departments are exactly the same. Duh. 

Right off the bat with the racial grievance card. Well done. I guess you have missed the scores of POC who were arrested within the last week without being shot, with similar body counts. But of course, that would destroy your virtue signaling narrative.

You destroyed your own argument by letting your politics dictate your reasoning. You state that HR8 has a poison pill because of a clause that would require that ICE be informed if an illegal alien attempted to buy a gun. If you think that reporting illegal aliens to ICE (and it being raycist) outweighs gun control

Seeing a blogger and denizens of the Gawkerverse melt down over a board game is priceless. You really do have too much time on your hands with nothing to do. Thank Capitalism for that. 

Stop being disingenuous. You know that the articles will be overblown rubbish that will simply be used as tools to bash wypipo with constantly. And, it is just another attempt to attack the supporters of The Orange Man by claiming that all wypipo (especially Trump supporters) are born racists. That is how it will play

That is quite a rationale you have there. So you are actually saying if a shooter is incompetent or a bad shot, that is less troublesome than someone who is a better at the execution of an event. Great logic genius 

No. It has been by criminals. Duh. Nice try though. Facts don’t care about your feelings. BTW, there are no Nazis hiding in the bushes waiting to get you. They are only in your head.