Only when discussing Republicans. When it is on the other side of the aisle....crickets. Then, Le Batard is not so woke.
Only when discussing Republicans. When it is on the other side of the aisle....crickets. Then, Le Batard is not so woke.
When you have nothing useful to say, crying raycism is not exactly the way to go. It is very humorous though.
Thanks for throwing the raycist card concerning a spate between two adults. Grow up.
It is not easy being an illegal alien. Don’t be one. That is the lesson grasshopper.
You forgot the antisemite part of her persona. That is why she is a target. You are welcome.
There were not a million women burned as witches. Calm down dearie. Read a book.
Who knows. Why did she think she could cheat on her taxes and use campaign funds illegally?
Being confused is not the way to go through life. I bet you think that there are fascists and raycists under every rock and hiding behind every blade of grass.
Please be at the head of the assault dearie.
Finally. You are obviously a loon, but at least you are seeking fellow looneys in the Gawkerverse.
Just another child making a post without really understanding what a concentration camp really is.
Lying about what is going on at the border and with illegal immigration, even on the internet and even for clicks, is still lying. Obviously, you do not know what fascism is...I guess you never studied that in Journo 101. Based up past “reporting” there is no reason to believe your “story” about this “family” is close…
That is only because you need to be a victim and this is how it feeds you.
The code does not cover the Betsy Ross flag. Did any of the folks in love with Kaepernick branded Nike jock straps actually look any of this up. Too funny.
The Betsy Ross flag is not covered by the USC. Sorry. Look it up.
Being captive by a company selling athlete branded jock straps and advised by an ex-athlete who oozes white privilege is not a good way to go through life. I guess Kaepernick is as good as anyone to lead the gullible around. BTW, the Betsy Ross flag is not raycist...for normal ppl.
It looked more like a political rally for Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio. Well done. After listening to some of the comments on news bites, it just reaffirmed that their understanding of where the money comes from to pay salaries is severely lacking.
What is truly amazing is the lack of understanding from The Root and the majority of the commenters on this blog regarding this prejudicial and at the same time comical attempt at “social justice”. The adults need to take back concerts apparently.
Until someone told you that the flag was being used to recruit fringe people to fringe groups you never even noticed it in your daily life. No one else did either until Kaepernick got butthurt. Now I guess you are butthurt too.
Being ignorant is no way to go through life. Having a profit driven corporation manipulate you is also no way to go through life. Letting a privileged athlete trying to make up for his white athlete tell a company what is and is not “raycist” is no way to go through life.