
It does not pertain to the so-called Betsy Ross flag. Duh. 

They only burn Kaepernick jockstraps. After all, he makes a profit over every jersey sold. 

Doubling down on stupidity is still doubling down on stupidity...it does not make it right. Are you the product of a US education?

The code is not referring to the “Betsy Ross” flag. Your education has been an utter failure and you should feel bad about this idiotic take...the same for the other denizens of the Gawkerverse that agreed with you. You should actually READ the code. 

You must be acting silly on purpose. Not even a rock can be this dense. The Open Border dogma is strong in you. You must have illegal aliens working for you. The left wants to hide the number for purely political reasons, to the detriment of US citizens (even new legal immigrants). The UN recommends that countries ask

And your clueless about my comments and you need to read that opinion. One vote and apportionment concept. Clearly, you support counting illegal aliens in regards to federal funding and apportionment. The Supremes never envisioned a system of open borders and negation of citizenship. The US has reason to actually

Yes. But Republicans use AMERICAN CITIZENS. Are you being obtuse on purpose?

So you really approve of gerrymandering using illegal aliens. Great concept. BTW, that includes federal funding...more illegals...more funds for Dem districts. You are being too transparent. 

You just confirmed that the Dems problem with the citizenship question is that it will prevent them from seizing more control over actual US citizens. Well done.

Don’t cry too much. For years the Dems did it and still do in those states where they have the majority. The Supreme Court has even blessed gerrymandering to ensure minority representation.

I think accusing people of being raycist is preventing you from making any friends and certainly demonstrates a certain personality flaw. Just saying. It certainly is a shame that somehow people forced you to play football. That should be illegal in the US. I suppose that a blog post dripping with an appeal for

It is not out of control. She, as usual, said something utterly ridiculous and stupid and got called out for it. By her definition, we should be protesting the organization that runs the most concentration camps in the world...the UN. In addition, the UN is a fascist organization according to her definition and the

Only you could get triggered by the Covington kids MAGA hats. A hat. You really are just in this for the clicks.  Your logic is as twisted as the racism that you constantly demonstrate. But, I understand how well that plays and pays judging by the bigoted comments to your post. Well done. 

The problem with the woke left is the desire to establish re-education camps for everyone....even sixteen year old kids. The hypocrisy is over the top. If the kid had said prejudiced and racist things about wypipo you would be defending him with all your woke might. 

Actually dearie I am talking about dullards like yourself that post inane comments. Thank you for proving my point. Well done.

That “profit” is labeled incorrectly. It really should be “operating profit” since other expenses and taxes is omitted. Business sense is not a strong point in the woke Gawkerverse. 

Well done. You took a minor incident and turned it into another reason for victimhood and an opportunity to wallow in racial grievance. There actually could be a simple reason for what happened...Stevens was keeping Lowry away from his significant other. Even though he overreacted, your overreaction (and the NBA and

Thanks for finally throwing the racial grievance victim card. Now this hypocritical blog post is complete. 

Being hypocritical just get you clicks. If the protestor had accosted any Republican like that, you would have been in favor of it and used some grievance victim excuse as justification. Duh. 

I don’t think that crying is allowed in football...the same as baseball. BTW, using Harriott as a reference is a bad idea. He is a prominent racist and that is why he is senior writer of The Root. Duh.