Saying it three times indicates that there is something emotional going on with you.
Saying it three times indicates that there is something emotional going on with you.
But he/she certainly makes more sense than the cadre approved “commenters”.
Throwing the race card does not help your argument. In fact, it cheapens it. Keep on supporting high cost low value higher education though...the liberal colleges of the US count on you and your ilk.
This is not true at all. It is laughable. You don’t “deserve” anything in life. You need to grow up some.
It does not offer “unique” insights. Get a grip.
Fine. Get an education in your passion. And if it does not pay the bills then that is on you. Stop crying about it and making it someone else’s problem. Stop being a dick.
You just identified the real problem with higher education in the US. Overpriced colleges and degrees with little economic value.
Thanks for throwing the racial grievance card right away iot change the thrust of the post and the comments. The Gawkerverse needs more artificial racial animus to get through the day. Well done.
The AFL-CIO need to ditch the Marxist advertising campaigns. That never works. Being admirers of Stalin is a losing theme.
Only in the Gawkerverse could an alleged journalist be bothered by the name origin of a comic book heroine. The victimization and subsequent virtue signaling is unending...but comical. The comments are very humorous too.
Yep, nothing like referencing a Marxist publication for rational and unbiased views on a complex conflict
Don’t mention Nazis because a Serb might remind you of the Handschar Division. Just saying.
Which is exactly what happened.
MSNBC is so triggered by this that they actually blur out the gesture. The level of common sense has certainly dropped since the country has gotten so woke. Now, it is just a collection of twelve year old kids playing adult. The media certainly leads the way. I am sure that the folks at The Root are beside themselves…
This is faux outrage. It would be nice if the people in Baltimore (including the black journalists) would start acting like adults. The perpetual victimization cries are silly...especially over this incident. Firing someone for this after twenty plus years of presumably good service is ridiculous. And Mayo is just…
Nice try changing the subject. If you can’t face up to the real issues with Smollett’s fake hate crime and Foxx’s misuse of her position then that is solely on you and your virtue signaling. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Once that gets solved, you can start thinking about what to do with all the POC every city in the US.
Even though it is the internet, don’t publicly show stupidity. In his manesto, he clearly attacks Trump. Duh. If you must do virtue signaling, at least know what you are talking about. Thanks.
It may be rude and condescending (concepts that Deadspin was founded and thrives on today) but not necessarily incorrect. But thanks for setting hearts all a flutter with shades of racial grievance.
Except that was all in Dr Ford’s head...not reality. Seems like a common thread. (It is a shame she could not remember anything about the party and lied about her confined space phobia).