
Very strange blog post...even for the weekend. You are making a mockery of this site by fueling your Trump Derangement Syndrome and trying to virtue signal at the same time. The attacks in Sri Lanka certainly are more extensive than the attack by a lone gunman in NZ. But since the NZ attacker was white, you seem to

Trump Derangement Syndrome even infects blogs about old movies. The denizens of the Gawkerverse really need meds. 

No. Poor facts but good outrage. 

It is called internaltional relations...look it up and read about what it is about. You are welcome. 

Throwing the racial grievance card over the reaction to the fire is simply virtue signaling and an obvious click attempt. As usual, the victims in the Gawkerverse are out and agreeing with this poor attempt at criticism. Well done. At least the crazies came out with their bigoted posts so that they can get some love

Thank you for immediately going for the race card...it was not beat to death enough in the blog post. Fake hate crimes by POC are not of any concern. Good Kinja. 

The Gawkerverse does not allow any comments or posts that go against the racial grievance theme. This is just another typical example.

Hate crime pure and simple. Even Jussie Smollett says so. 

Thank you for throwing the racial grievance card. The Gawkerverse needs more virtue signaling. Well done. 

Gee...each state can do that on their own. Last time I checked Minn was a blue state.

Yep, it was a great idea for the ACLU to demand that patients be released from mental hospitals. 

Thank you for finally throwing the racial grievance card in a thread that has nothing to do with it. The Gawkerverse approves of your virtue signalling.

Actually, he is your mirror image. Well done though in fanning the flames of prejudice and hate. You really live for this. 

No. Wypipo are just sitting back laughing at Blkpipo’s culture of gangs and romantizing thuggery. Well done. It is very entertaining. 

Hopefully the PD will check out the whereabouts of Jussie Smollett on that date.

Good attempt at virtue signaling. Ignore the real issue and deflect it with a silly shot at people in OK. Well done. Transparent, but the other simple souls in the Gawkerverse will nod their heads approvingly. 

Meet the new style Red Guards. They do not have to make sense or apologize. The message makes whatever they do legitimate. Those are the new rules. It is unbelievable how silly those students are. I hope they did not take out any student loans for the “education” they are receiving.

You must be thrilled...another chance to earn your stripes on The Root with some inflammatory anti-wypipo remarks. This is sadly so predictable. Blame Trump...blame wypipo...blame Christians (you forgot them) and ignore any other horrific murders of innocents by radicals on the left. Well done. 

Well done. Make sure that you use every single tragic incident to show off your Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you actually need a sitting President to somehow make you feel better after a horrible event, you need some adult genes. 

Thank you sports blogger for reminding me how clueless the left can get. The reason you have Trump (and have fascism on the brain) is that you insist on open borders. That silliness is what leads to other dumb ideas like sanctuary cities and border walls. The fact that you don’t understand the difference between legal