
Going through life dumb and drug dependent is no way to live.  In thirty years he will bemoan the fact that he threw away $30M (generational wealth) because he was hooked on peds and weed. BTW, the union contract with the NFL makes it very easy to avoid getting nailed for HTH. 

Nice spin. But it is just that. She is anti-Semitic and now everyone with half a brain knows that. This is not just about the policies of Israel. You can “what about” all you want, but that is the truth. Own the fact that you support an anti-Semite. Well done.

Well done. When an ally is guilty of anti-Semitic comments, ensure that someone do a blog post blaming wypipo for some other slur against her. Ensure that at the end, she is seen as the victim. BTW, MS-13 likes your support. 

The UK did what they had to do. You said it yourself...the people of Pakistan and India are too feeble minded to take care of themselves. You stated that from the beginning. Don’t get angry because you are making those claims.

You need to go find someone from the UK...apparently they are the only ones that can teach POC about international relations and know the history of the partition. Being feeble minded apparently is your birthright as you seem to believe. Keep trying dearie.

Sorry that you feel so inadequate dearie. Try to find an adult to educate you on the issues going on when the UK left India and the reason for the Pakistan/India split. Education is important and a mind is a terrible think to waste. So far, you have wasted yours. 

Yep. Those Indians and Pakistanis are little children that cannot think or act for themselves without the UK getting involved. This is not even a good virtue signaling attempt.

I am usually very critical of the bloggers in the Gawkerverse, but I must say that this article was professionally done and well researched.  It avoided any overt Kraft bashing and Trump Derangement Syndrome and that is refreshing. 

Thank you for telling funny stories about a serious topic. I suggest that you seek medical attention for your mental wanderings. And, we don’t need reparations...we need sane adults.

I am glad to see that you have taken on the burden of apologizing for things that people that share your skin color did years ago, that you had nothing to do with, that virtue signaling is real and that you are ground zero of white wokeness. 

It is a tool that people can claim to be triggered by so that they can get victimization points in the SWJ hierarchy.

The wokescolds are out in force today. 

This is the lamest response in support of a pretty lame post. Just say that you support Maduro so that the new Socialist Man and Woman will rise from the ashes of the capitalist remnants in society ant that they will stand on  the bodies of those who do not support the revolution.

He was not “caught on camera” harassing anyone silly. This is what the lawsuit is about...publishing lies that the weak minded folks in Trump Derangement Mode believe.

Yea...seven years ago. Being silly on purpose is not a good look. 

At least get some of your facts straight. The “blackface” claim is just silly and not true.

How long have you been living in Smollett Crazytown like other Gawkerverse bloggers. Nothing you wrote is even remotely true and just furthers the lies that bloggers have been telling about what went on that day. Your audience loves it though because they are in full TDS mode 24x7. But adults really need to come up

And the “threatening letter” is a hoax too. This was all done to promote a political agenda. He will not suffer any social backlash at all...in fact, he will get fawned over twice as much. The enablers will claim that Trump Derangement Syndrome drove him to it...etc etc. The media (looking at you at The Root) are just

No it is not. The left will just coo over him and blame it all on Trump driving this man temporarily insane. BTW, I bet the he sent the threatening letters to himself too. 

Someone needs to send some adults over to the offices of The Root for a welfare check. This news and the latest poc mass shooter is spoiling all their wypipo bigoted blog posts.