It pays well to be a front for Maduro and manage to derail any meaningful discussion of VZ by bringing up old events. Well done.
It pays well to be a front for Maduro and manage to derail any meaningful discussion of VZ by bringing up old events. Well done.
Good move by the GOP. Kaepernick is a phony poser now just cashing in on those wypipo Nike dollars. Being a supporter of Fidel, fugitives from the US and spouting ‘60's black liberation slogans is not exactly something to applaud. (Advising people not to vote is silly too).
It us amazing that the simple fact that these two cases are not the same issue at all is lost on the Kaepernick jock sniffers.
That is the point isn’t it. In Muslim countries freedom is not expected and not encouraged. Muslim is not compatible with modern societies. That is just the way it is.
No, not really. Several silly and patently false charges were made by women in a recent Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearing.
So underage sex is OK? Good news for some people.
Yep. There is a Supreme Court Justice that thinks the same way.
I don’t think those religions kill you anymore for violating a tenet. That is one difference. In Islam, you can be killed. Nuff said.
It is only considered racism if the religious law in question is Islam.
Not true for all countries. Sharia Law as the law of the land has been enshrined in some countries constitutions. It is the law of the land and of the people that they claim fall under it.
After you get over your vapors, you might want to send medical personnel to the offices of The Root and The Daily Beast. The Root because they always make up anti-wypippo themes about the Pats and The Daily Beast because of their latest unhinged bigoted rant.
Just think, you will be doing what Kaepernick is doing. Nothing special.
His face was not bashed in. A cut. You can crack a rib by just falling down on ice or tripping over a curb. Your bigotry and prejudice is clouding your common sense.
You keep trying and failing. It is becoming silly at this point. That includes the people you have triggered.
You don’t need security over an imagined attack and hoaxes. You need to seek medical care. A good manager would insist on that.
They and other rational people don’t think it happened, and why add this to the long list of phony hate crime incidents.
Bloggers at The Root hate the Patriots because they have white players in key positions, so there is that aspect that the Gawkerverse can rally around.
I applaud you for jumping through all the hoops to reach a conclusion prior to any investigation at all. The click machine must be fed and your loyal bigoted readers must be agitated and wail in their victimhood on a daily basis. It would be comical if it were not so sad.
With the poor reportage of foreign affairs in the US, it is easy to see how you could completely miss exactly what is happening in VZ and the US role in the events there. The US has not been sanctioning them into poverty...they did that trick all by themselves. The fact that VZ can’t feed itself is on the socialists…
I am shocked that you can actually say this in the Gawkerverse without being deleted. Well done.