I doubt that the USN or USCG will do any burials at sea using a casket and only scattering of ashes for veterans. There was a major scandal years ago where a casket did not sink properly and gunfire was used to make it sink. Not a good PR move.
I doubt that the USN or USCG will do any burials at sea using a casket and only scattering of ashes for veterans. There was a major scandal years ago where a casket did not sink properly and gunfire was used to make it sink. Not a good PR move.
I hope that you are a real person and wrote this without sarcasm. If so, you are my hero.
Signing people up for coding classes would be better than therapy puppies.
Just another example of people taking advantage of POC. The victim is a Native American.
In the Gawkerverse, you are not allowed to say that. All cultures are equal except European ones (which are on the bottom). I am in awe that you actually are not in the grays.
That is peanuts. The black community leads in the stats that really matter...regular homicide. Well done.
Crying is not allowed when both sides are trading insults. That is a rule...learn it.
I suppose having them get into fisticuffs with black men is a good idea in your world.
The victimhood in the Gawkerverse is amazing to watch. I expect nonsense from The Root, but the other sites are doubling down on silliness, racial politics, grievance politics and trying to create villains out of whole cloth. All because they are triggered by a white Catholic teenager wearing a MAGA hat who attended a…
Mr Phillips was not in fear of his life. He was doing it for show and you know that. It is a good thing that he was trying to intimidate a white, Catholic teenager...other folks would have stomped him.
Actually it does not, but that is why your outrage is so phony.
No one is equating them at all. You just are feeding your own outrage for virtue signaling clicks.
The fact that you are telling less than accurate tales about the event is really just showing what idiotic extremes the left has gone to for the outrage machine. You are being triggered by a white, Catholic, Pro Life, teenager that was wearing a MAGA hat. A MAGA hat is just that...a hate. Who knows what the kid was…
Is this a gag? They actually allowed you to make this comment in the Gawkerverse?
Journalism is in decline in the Gawkerverse. This is just a self-serving whining blog post for the benefit of the people that like to wallow in outrage and victimhood. Virtue signaling for clicks. What is clear is that the people on the right that you wail about are no different than what you are doing. You are…
Thanks for a complete surrender to the victimization mentality. Clearly you missed all of the video that lead of to this “confrontation” and clearly you missed the point that Mr Phillips is telling a tall tale. And yes, teenagers behaving badly in the face of confrontation is not a good look, but the adults, including…
You must be trying to get on The Root staff. Well played.
Thanks for throwing the racial grievance card before the OP. Well done.
Constantly whining is no way to go through life. The country does not love guns...certain people are crazy and should not be allowed near guns...or open flame...or moving machinery.
The virtue signaling in the verse is strong today. I suppose that this latest bit of waving the racial grievance card and silly white privilege comments could have waited until all the vacancies are filled. And, there really needs to be some actual reporting...not just whining.