In her case, she is a race hustler too but I give you points for being the first to throw the racial grievance card on this post.
In her case, she is a race hustler too but I give you points for being the first to throw the racial grievance card on this post.
AOC is the reason why we have Trump. Well done. She should learn the difference between CPB and ICE among the other “facts” that she has failed to grasp.
Instead of the satisfaction that one of the suspected perpetrators have been arrested, The Root is in mourning over the loss of a great source of material for their racial grievance card agendas...Shaun King is equally shaken because he won’t be able to raise as much money as he normally does.
Yep...but now everyone but you (apparently) know what a bigot you really are underneath. Well done.
Colin Kaepernick says that Kanter is a wuss and that he is constantly in peril of seeing his Nike branded merch marked down on the discount rack.
That is not what the commenter is saying and you would know that if you were not being so silly and childish....even under internet and Gawkerverse standards. Kids saying incoherent and dumb things result in backlash from adults that can lead to politicians like Trump.
This clown is not a judge. Just another Democrat concerned about Roe vs Wade. That’s all it is. People making false charges (and those believing them) really are sad.
So people make bogus complaints because they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and were desperate to not place a judge on the court that might be a vote to overturn Roe vs Wade. Not unheard of. I am sure the Gawkerverse outrage machine will be all over this article. Well done clickbait with silly title.
Like everything else, there is probably more to the story than what Deadspin got from other publications. They do not do journo stuff...just stuff to get the outrage machine in gear.
Who is Colin Kaepernick? Is he the ex-jock that pushes merch for Nike?
Thanks for throwing the gratuitous race card during the quiet time between Christmas and New Year’s. Usually you just leave it for The Root to do, but you certainly grabbed the ball this time. Well done.
Not unless they are talking about Dorial Green-Beckham. But don’t let reality spoil your victimization characterizations.
The drug testing is done by a contractor. The Union and the NFL jointly control the administration of drug testing. If what he says is true (and I doubt it) the investigation that is ongoing will determine what the facts are. But don’t let that spoil a good victimization claim and toss of the racial grievance card.
Finally. Every blog post requires the obligatory racial grievance card post with Trump Derangement Syndrome thrown it. Well done.
Every time this comes up, you can almost guarantee that someone will opine about weed and how benign it is. If you can’t even lay off weed in order to play in the entertainment field you have a severe mental problem regarding yes, weed controls the man. You can worship weed all you want, but obviously…
Sad to see Sports Illustrated pander to the social media mobs. I guess they needed the visibility. Too bad it cheapened the award to that young lady. Why you would want to have a presenter with such blatant tall tails is a mystery.
How cranky you are. Is it because you just got up from a nap or need a nap?
Thank you. Silly commenters with Trump Derangement Syndrome are a bane in the Gawkerverse.
Only a child would even think of equating these two instances. I bet you are loaded up with Kaepernick branded athletic attire too. BTW, Hunt is out of the league right Kaepernick. They can go play somewhere together.
Yep. I hear tell there are some of them there Naaazzii’s running around too. You are imagining. Remember, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Stop wasting yours with wallowing in victimhood and imaginary boogeymen.