
This is SO getting an Ignoble award next year...

Hmmm.... one camera catches the reflection from the "first surface" of the angled glass, and the second catches the direct image.

It won't work.

@KellyGee19: That's not a Speedo! It's a Codpiece.

This pic doesn't show all the other aircraft that's kept up on the flight deck.

@Chris Allen: Be careful with adding TOO much weight. You could end up ripping your hand off when it hits the bottom of the string. (well, rope)

I bet all the scofflaws who didn't pay last year are writing checks.

@Michael_Lefenfeld: Maybe there's no waste, but there is a great deal of energy involved. You can't get energy from nothing....

@vein11: Two reactors, that power four power generators, four massive engines, plus it can still create enough steam to push aircraft off the deck into the air.

One thing that image doesn't show is all the manual backup devices they use should something go wrong, or the power fails.

I first thought that was the pile of stuff they were going to make the office from. Not the actual office.

@MrRainMan: And you're forgetting your history.

@mricyfire: You'd rather have Sulu's ass? Oh my!

@coxmr1: I used to work for Bose. They create amazing designs with tons of testing, then build the cheapest thing the most expensive way possible, and the most expensive things the cheapest way possible.

@MrRainMan: The world is littered with things that Hollywood/media/technology tried that flopped horribly.

@FriarNurgle: So... it was the cast of "Starlight express"?

@LiviaSnake: This is probably one of those procedures that they do on terminally injured people who would otherwise die.

Well, you know what they say; You're not dead until you're WARM and dead.